There are quite a few apps that I've downloaded for myself and for my king, but few have let me down as this one has. I think the idea behind it is kind cool for babies who are developing motor skills but even so, the images used aren't really kid-oriented in my opinion. I think with a few tweaks it can be a nice app, but up to a certain age. Older kids may find it boring and it's an app that's a little too "zombifying" for toddler.
That looks like the most boring game ever. HOWEVER, I could definitely see it being a successful app for younger kids, like you said. Also, they would need to tailor the backgrounds better to young toddlers and children, as you mentioned. Adults might hate the app, but it could be the greatest thing in the world for young, young children.
It would be nice if they DID get those backgrounds fixed. But it doesnt seem like they're maintaining the app anymore. =o/