Let me share the kitchen tips that I know. 1. In cooking rice, let the rice soak for 30 minutes before turning on the rice cooker (or stove). Soaked rice cook much faster. 2. When reheating leftover food from the fridge, take it out of the refrigerator an hour before reheating so the leftover food will be at room temperature and faster to reheat. 3. Put just enough water in the pot when boiling potato or corn. The less water, the faster to boil and the quicker to cook too. 4. Use medium fire when ternderizing meat. Excessive fire is just wasted. 5. When cooking solid vegetables like carrots and potatoes, cut into the smallest size possible for easier cooking. Big chunks are longer to cook.
Those are very good tips to save money. One other thing I do is when boiling mac and cheese, when the macaroni is cooking use less water too like your number 3, so you don't have to drain it and just add the milk and butter and the packet of cheese mixture. You'll find that the macaroni cooks up faster with less water too and you'll save money and be able to eat faster for the mac & cheese cooks up faster with less water.
Great tips there both @Alexandoy and @krisstina. Other tips may be to marinate the chicken with garlic ginger paste 30 minutes before cooking as then chicken gets cooked faster. Roll out the chapatis and then turn on the gas to roast or fry/deep fry them. That saves a lot of gas.