Lloyd Anderson Debt Management SCAM ALERT!!!

Discussion in Scams = To Good To Be True started by sarz • Mar 19, 2014.

  1. sarz

    sarzActive Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    So I recently relocated and left my perfectly good job at Subway to work for these scamming b******s.

    To cut a long story short, on day one realised they did not have a proper office, not enough computers for the five staff they had just taken on and no money to pay us.

    After some research found that they had previously been investigated for fraud and were shut down under the name PSM(wise2Debt) and now were operating again under a new name (Lloyd Anderson financial management) which we were not allowed to mention. Upon further research it came to light that there were many similar cases, where money had gone missing from clients accounts.
    Harris Isaac the man responsible when questioned refused to comment and became aggressive. Two new starters were then sacked one for no reason and the other for having bi-polar. Yes that's right he was told "we can't have people like that working here"

    After a week of working under the false pretence of getting paid me and two other new starters stuck it out for one week more to ensure pay. Friday arrived no pay, later that evening we were escorted off the premises by the police because we refused to leave without pay. Needless to say that was our last day.

    After constant harassment we collected cheques for £278.00 for two weeks work:(, we were only paid for one.

    I walked past the office the other day and to my delight it was no longer in operation, but they will set up elsewhere as they have done already.

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    Avoid avoid avoid,
  2. lornawhatmough

    lornawhatmoughNew Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    Was just talking to my new employer about this company. What an absolute JOKE!!!!!!!!
    And the company is STILL in the same spot but they have gone a whopppping 1 floor up!
    They are STILL employing people and taking the absolute piss out of them, and this will continue until something is done!
    After working for this company for 3 months i NEVER received a wage slip! Even though in all that time i got no more than £500 wage!!!

    Anyway babe, hope you got a new job! get in touch soon. I've lost your number!
  3. sarz

    sarzActive Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Hello Chick,

    I was like no way is that you, missed you haven't got your number I will msg you on fb.

    I can believe they are still going but I thought that would have at least gone further than upstairs lol. They have removed the sign from outside and everything that's why I thought they had closed down.
    I also never received a payslip or a P45 and I think that it is safe to say neither of us will be. Glad you are here and can substantiate my claims that Lloyd Anderson are nothing to be but avoided.