Has anyone been scammed off of mail order rebates before? I am always meticulous about following their often too complicated and demanding procedures, and always- like clockwork- much time passes and i have to call them up to urge them to send the rebate. Thankfully, they always have, but what is fishy is that every time they would say something along the lines of "We're so sorry, there must have been an error processing your order but we will send out the rebate now." If I didn't check so dutifully, they might often fail to honor the terms. I've heard some horror stories about TigerDirect mail order rebates. Anyone have experiences to share?
I actually haven't had any issues with Tiger Direct itself, but I can imagine that there are a lot of companies who do this intentionally. People often forget rebates, so if someone doesn't follow up, then the company gets to keep the money instead of paying it out. It's not nice, ethical, or good business really, but I can see why some might be scammy like that in order to increase their own bottom lines.
It's just so.. well, as you mentioned, scammy. I would think less of companies who pull this sort of thing and unfortunately, the shops that make use of unreliable mail in rebates. I too have had pretty good experiences with Tigerdirect though, knock on wood, and every few months they have some crazy good deal that makes them worth the while of visiting.
I haven't used any of those mail order rebates but I've wondered if anyone has gotten scammed from them. I would think you have to stay really on top of it to make sure you get your money. I would think they're sometimes betting on the fact that you might not.
I actually havent received mail order rebates in a long time. Unless they are thrown out before I see them. i know when I check the mail I never see them. Its been a long time since I have, which is strange. We use to receive them all the time. I have never used them before so maybe these companies are psychic and know that its a waste sending them to me.
I never received my rebate from Tigerdirect... I bought a BareBones kit during a black friday sale and was supposed to receive a good amount of what I spent back, nearly $100, but after dozens upon dozens of calls I gave up on it. I did everything the promotion required but they whizzled their way out of giving me my rebate. It was such a nuisance that I refuse to take any rebate deals or make a purchase where I intend to use the rebate to make it affordable or easier on my conscience. Too much trouble and little to no reward.
I haven't used any for fear of experiences like yours...I'm sure that some of them are good, legitimate companies, but I always worry about getting scammed with them.