The final installment in the epic Max Payne series, that introduced gamers around the world to the concept of "bullet-time", impressive slow motion action while bullets fly and bodies hit the ground with equally slow-sounding "thumps" and "oomphs" and "arghs", can be found forLog In. Yeah, it wasn't that well received by the fans. And, yes, it's not a perfect game. The fans, though, wanted "another game like Max Payne 1 & 2", and the problem with Max Payne 3 isn't that it's a bad game per se, but that it strayed too far away from the "formula" of its predecessors. As cinematic action-adventure third-person shooters go, it's a very-very good one, really worth playing. Except if you're a Max Payne fanatic, that is. If that's the case, avoid like the plague, since it may also make you cry, like the other fans, that this is not the Max you knew and loved, this is Bruce in Die Hard!
I've been waiting for this to go on sale for SO LONG! I've been keeping an eye on the holiday sale too, it's surprising that I missed this. Anyway, thanks for the heads up dude, I'll be sure to pick this one up over the next couple of days.
Heh, no probs. Hope you managed to grab it while on sale. If you, indeed, did, and managed to play it... How is it? I've also bought it, but didn't have the time to check it out. I prefer personal user and fan opinions regarding games compared to faceless site/mag reviews (maybe 'cause I used to write those for a living :-D ).