I have seen this product online, and I thought it was so cheap that I could try it out. My nose is okay, it is just a little too bulbous in the middle...small, but imperfect I guess. So I was looking through youtube videos about this and decided I would try it out. I will update this thread with details.
This sounds interesting! How much is it? I kind of want to try nose shaping stuff but I was always worried they didn't really work and I'd just be wasting money. Do tell me if this product works on you.
I am interested to know if it does change anything. I am not going to lie, I am really septic about those kind of thing. I mean, if really you could shape your nose so easily, it would be known and it would be expensive. People wouldn't need surgery anymore. But if it was cheap, it worth the try. I can't wait to read your review.
I didn't know there was a such thing as the nose shaper. I Googled it and it doesn't look like it would work, but hey I could be wrong. Did you read the reviews on this product? I think this is a safer way to fix your nose without surgery, let us know if it works.
Well good luck then. The skeptic inside me says that it's just flattening the fattiness a bit so that it appears smoother and smaller for a while. By the time that puffs back up, the money back guarantee has probably expired or people don't bother.
bsdgds, I see you haven't been on this forum for a couple of weeks, but hopefully you check back soon. I'd like to hear if you are still using this divice. If so, did you see any changes that were to our liking?