Most people cannot do without a slice of bread in the morning. A sandwich comes in Handy. Instead of margarine, one can consume it with avocado paste. Not only is it healthy, it also cheap since it contains nutritive elements necessary to jumpstart the day.
AND it doesn’t use animal ingredients!!! I love avocado, and making avocado paste or guacamole is frequent for me. I don’t do it daily anymore (I used to), but I certainly buy avocados at least once or twice a week. It’s so healthy, so filling and SO SO SO delicious!
I am not sure that I have ever seen avocado paste in the store. I will have to look for it. Yes, I am sure you could make your own though. Avocados tend to be a bit pricey though. Another alternative to margarine is to use Olive Oil mayonaise. That is what I am currently using. I hope the olive oil in it is real. Some places use cheap substitutes and try to pan it off as olive oil.
Alternatively, you can use coconut oil! I personally like to chill my coconut oil (to ensure it from melting) and then I'll slather homemade bread with it. If you like the coconut taste, I'd recommend just getting an unrefined coconut oil, but if you'd prefer a less coconut taste and a more "buttery" feel, you could always get an unrefined. Coconut oil is so good for you!
Well this would certainly be something that I would like to have on hand. I would say that it is never a bad idea to have more natural products around the home, especially for the foods that are not really traditionally considered healthy. I am curious to see what it tastes like, and I am imagining a much richer taste, but I am not sure. Good stuff, and thanks for sharing.
I definitely love the Avocado paste, especially when you add a little bit of salt and lemon to enlighten the salt, it's a great mix for any kind of bread. I's such a good thing when you eat it in the morning with a cup of coffee, indeed.
Much as I love avocados in any form they're unfortunately not something that I get to have that often - as not only are they rarely available - due to the fact that the majority of the avocados grown here are mainly for the export market - but on the few occasions that we do come across them - they're generally not exactly what you might call cheap either - in fact quite the opposite. Fortunately however not much of a problem - as we don't use margarine at all where I come from - but use olive oil instead - which of course is another healthy, inexpensive and extremely cost effective alternative to margarine that’s very definitely worth considering - as are alioli, hummus and pesto.
I think I'd rather just use olive oil. Both are fairly pricey though. As far as health benefits, I wouldn't know much about the avocado. I am allergic to it, so I have to avoid it completely. It's a shame, since I used to quite like it and definitely enjoyed a nice gaucemole. This is a helpful tip for people who can use it though, and I'm sure they will enjoy it. Olive oil is great for cooking instead of margarine, and many people use it to dip bread (instead of using a spread). There are flavored oils as well. I'm not big on doing this. I'd rather just use butter. I get olive oil and butter when they are on sale to help lower the costs. Sometimes, you can get a double pack of butter for a bit less and just freeze the rest for later use. I've frozen butter many times, and it works just fine.
Haven't seen the avocado paste in stores either but I'm sure it could be a lot more pricier than the avocadoes themselves. As you say it can be pretty easy to make your own. Cut it open, get rid of the seed, scoop out the flesh, use a fork to mash it and you'd have the paste. For those who live in places where avocados can grow well then you could plant one. It take about 3-4 years for it to mature and from then on you'd spend very little money on avocados.
avocado is not very popular fruit in our country. Actually,I have never bought avocado. It is very expensive because avocado is imported. Imported means it takes days to reach from the farmer's garden to the consumer's plate. This is impossible without using preservatives. That's a reason I don't buy avocado. I use home made butter as spread.
I think you can't beat real butter to spread on your bread in the morning. My favourite is anchor salted butter which tastes quite rich. As I'm on a low-carb diet, I'm not eating bread but I am adding just a wee knob of anchor on top of my hot vegetables. I love the way it melts over them and adds a richness of flavour to them. Having butter like that still makes me feel like I am being naughty. I prefer butter to margarine, as margarine just doesn't have the same richness and flavour as real butter. I've not tried using an alternative like avocado or coconut spread on my bread. It would depend what else I wanted with my bread. Coconut would not go with a cheese sandwich for example, but it would taste brilliant with peanut butter or chocolate spread.
We use regular butter because of the unhealthy side-effects of margarine. I also like olive oil to dip bread in, but we do not use a lot of bread either. Many years ago, I read a Gaylord Houser nutrition book and he recommended what he called "sun butter" . He sat the olive oil out in the sun to absorb vitamin D, and then he blended it with a softened cube of butter, and then refrigerated it . I did't put mine out in the sun because they now recommend using a dark bottle and keeping olive oil out of the sun; but I did make the sun butter, and it was a great way to make expensive butter last longer, plus it was healthier because of using the olive oil.
Avocados are the best! I buy them a lot and use them in many dishes and also love eating them with a little drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of pepper and salt. Using them as a paste for toast is also delicious, it's nice to switch up the way toast is served from time to time.
I also like avocado, but I can only have it in small doses. I couldn't have it every time I had bread; I have to crave it in order to eat and enjoy it. But it's certainly a fab idea for those who can stomach it enough to eat it regularly. I think maybe I'd opt for the coconut oil option, even though I've never tasted it. Maybe even better still, a little drizzle of organic olive oil, because I know I actually enjoy that.
Well I don't like avocado, I tried it once and felt really bad since I couldn't stand the taste. I don't know why many people that I know like it but I simply can't stand it, now if we're talking about avocado mixed with something else maybe it would work. I simply love margarine too much to try to substitute it for something else, although it's always good having more options.
I love avocados, but the only issue is that they are just so darn expensive around here. I love having them though, and you can pretty much add it to anything and gives it a little kick and a new flavor combination. I cannot say I have use it as a paste a lot, but that is something to look into.
I don't like taking margarine because I have the thinking I am getting too much fat by the consumption. I am interested in this avocado paste margarine that is discussed here, I think this will be less of fat and contains those vital elements for the day.
Avocados are one of those foods that has to be absolutely perfect to taste good. If it is too green, It is hard and almost bitter tasting. If it is too ripe, then it is brown and ugly and tastes awful. So even if the first one you try doesn't taste good, you should try again, and get someone who knows avocados to pick it out for you. The avocado should be firm, but you should be able to pinch the skin on either side just a little with your fingers. If it doesn't give at all, it is still too green. If it is squishy, then it is too ripe. Nothing is as delicious as a perfectly ripe avocado, and very few foods are as healthy, either.
Now that left mt taste buds tingling. I am a dan of Anchor butter too. I love avocados but have never tried it as a spread. Atmy current location that fruit is an alien. Noone has ever heard or known it. So the chances of me getting it is like hoping for a moon on my lap. However, other spreads that can be used are honey, peanut butter, cheese or simple tomato ketchup for those who don't mind the variety. Avocado it definitely extremely nutritious and yummy but very costly in areas that I could find it.
This is not to counter avocado for bread spread. It's just that my taste buds wouldn't agree. I prefer peanut butter or the good old margarine that is cheap. But in fairness to avocado, I have to agee to its health benefits.