Very informative post, the most accessible item from the list would have to be green tea, so from now on I will start to drink green tea more often.
Thank you for sharing this i have been looking for some natural ways i can loose weight i just want to lose belly fat that's it legs arms and so forth are okay it's just my belly seems to get bigger each day as if i'm still pregnant so i'm hoping these tips really work for me
I understand coffee could be added to the list. Of course part of the thing with coffee and tea is not to add sweetener sugar or cream or creamers. I drink coffee black, and I know it is not something everyone would opt for.But in terms of weight and fat. I think that the positive effect of green tea would be negated pretty much if you add to the base tea. I do wonder about green vs regular tea. Ryder13
Swimming is an activity that burns lots of calories, is easy on the joints, supports your weight, builds muscular strength and endurance, improves cardiovascular fitness, cools you off and refreshes you in summer. No doubt a relaxing form of exercise means weight lost by swimming is fun too!
Natural ways to stay slim. Well, to put in in just a few words: - Take half the food and snacks you used to eat. - Do physical activities and do interval exercises: a few minutes at a fast pace then at a slower pace
In my opinion, it takes more than just "slimming foods". Commitment and consistency keep you slim and healthy. The foods that you mentioned boost your metabolism, which helps to burn calories. But what happens when your metabolism goes back to normal? You won't burn calories at that point. So the best way is to exercise regularly and do moderate Weight Training sessions. What this does is boost your metabolism for longer periods. Basically the more muscles you build, the more higher and longer the metabolism will be and the more calories you will burn even at rest. Thus, this keeps you slim.
Switching out sugary or caffeine filled drinks for lemon water, and having 6 small portioned meals throughout the day rather than 3 large meals is key for me.
Adding some spices or ingredients to your diet isn't enough to stay slim, unless you have a crazy good metabolism, which not many of us do. Being active, working out at least occasionally is important. So is a healthy diet. Getting your nutrients from "good" foods is a must. Having empty carbs for breakfast lunch and dinner will hurt your body in the long run. Keeping yourself hydrated is a must for a healthy body. The main idea is have good moderation in your eating habits, stay active, stay healthy. That is the way to stay fit.
The rules are really simple to lose weight but it's hard to keep up with it. All you have to do is eat a balance meal everyday and exercise. But not all of us can diligently work on that. It takes discipline and I myself am guilty of it. This post actually inspired me!
Having a balanced health diet and exercise is the best way for not just staying slim, but being healthy overall. If people have this discipline, I think no one would complain about getting fat or looking unhealthy anyway.
Even though I hate green tea, it help with weight loss. I have to force it down, because I can't deal with taste of it. I buy lipton green tea, i thought since it was a brand name it would taste better than others. But its disgusting just like the rest.
Have you tried drinking it with a few drops of lime juice? Mint, cinnamon, vanilla also work.. try it if you like any of those flavors.. maybe you could try adding some honey to sweeten your tea. I have noticed that if you let your tea steep for more than two minutes it gets really unpleasant to drink.. Do you let your tea steep longer?
I do eat a lot of these items. I love cayenne pepper and making dishes spicy so it is easy to sneak it in. I also add cinnamon and flax to my oatmeal in the morning. Moreover, I drink a ton of decaf green tea as well. I don't know if I like the taste of fennel though so that is the one ingredient that might be a little tough to get in.
Maintaining a healthy weight is all about how you eat. I won't even say it's 90% or 80% or whatever the current fad percentage is right now. I will always say, it has EVERYthing to do with how we eat. Exercise is for the heart and the muscles and all the important work going on inside our body (you don't even need that much to keep it all in smooth working order.. media has everyone brainwashed). Just eat right. It's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be and you don't have to sweat buckets to see results. Unless there is a medical issue, you can't be overweight if you're eating right.
Spices and tea will play an extremely minimal role in weight control. The key to controlling your weight is carbohydrate restriction as all carbs trigger insulin and insulin is the motor force behind fat storage. Restrict the carbs and weight control is easy.
You need carbs. Don't believe everything you read. There are good and bad carbs.. do your research before you do more harm than good. Restricting yourself for weightloss is not safe or even effective in the long run. There is no easier way than eating right.. I'm not sure why people put themselves at risk when the answer is so simple.
the best way to stay slim is EAT might sound weird but trust me this is the only solution........what happens is when u eat more, ur metabolism increases.....and when metabolism increases it burns more keep feeding urself every 2 to 3 hours to keep ur metabolism high...........if u cut down ur calories or nearly starve urself, u will end up eating a eat more, stay active and drinks lots n lots of water................
You certainly do not need carbohydrates. I find it ironic that you say 'don't believe everything you read' yet everything I read promotes carbohydrates as that is the conventional wisdom which has lead to an obesity and diabetes crisis. Carbohydrates are NOT an essential nutrient, protein and fat are essential nutrients. That's an undeniable fact. Eating right would be restricting carbohydrates, controlling your blood sugar and raising your insulin sensitivity. The health benefits of low-carb are endless.