I bought one of those noodle-style earphones, and after a month of using it, it got broken, and the broken part was the faulty wires nearest the socket. If you don't know how a flat cable earphone looks like, it looks like this:Log In (that is actually the same brand and model that I bought) so if you notice, there is nothing that supports the base of the earphone's wires as compared to this: Log In so no wonder it got easily broken, so right now I just prefer buying those regular cable earphones. I was wondering if you have the same or contrary experience?
Yes, I also noticed that flat-cabled earphones tend to break more easily, maybe because the flat design makes the cable more prone to folding at the base once you use it regularly. The round wired ones don't seem to break that easily. Those types lasted for years when I used them.
That is the reason why I prefer the roped designed cables like this USB chord: and this ear phone: Rope is more durable than rubber chords and flat chords. That is based from my personal experience. The wires are more protected with rope than any other kind of covering. The flat noodle cables have no difference from the rubber covered cables. Rope is the way to go.
@Beast_Titan, If that's the case then I will choose the rope ones, although they're not as readily available as compared to the rubber ones. The rubber ones also tend to get dents, and it melts or disintegrates if stored in a hot place, so I think the rope ones are immune to such wear and tear.
The rope ones are more durable. I think the design alone make them more flexible when movements happen. Rubber ones have tendency to tear apart the wires inside. The rope gives it more protection based from my own experience.
I have replaced all my phone and tablet cords with the rope covered ones and really love them. I don't look for earphones that much since I don't use them very often. I buy the over the ear headphones for my kids to use instead of the earphones since sometimes they use them for long periods of time and it can cause bacterial growth in the ear causing ear infections. I will have to look for the rope covered earphones next time I am in the market for them though.
@Beast_Titan, Since they are durable, are they more expensive, or the price is the same? I tried to look around the local stores, but they only have the rubber ones. I refrain from buying online now because of the 'storage fee' that we have to pay to get our parcel.
They almost have the same price with the rubber ones. I mean rope is not really an expensive material. I think it is more durable because the rope design is more flexible for movements. My rope corded electronics have lasted longer based on my own experience.
@Beast_Titan, I see, I looked around the online and offline stores over here, and I don't see any rope ones being sold. I guess I have to look for it online. So I guess they are around $3 too.
I agree, the only reason that they are not as expensive, is because there is not much of a difference except for flexibility and material.