I saw this article and was like...whaaaaattt??? But then I read it all and it turns out he says it was declined because he didn't use it enough and once he did the company thought it was fraud. I mean I've never heard of that happening. And I can imagine that was pretty embarrassing being the president out to dinner and have that happen! I wonder if that has ever happened to anyone else that their card was declined JUST because they didn't use it very often? Log In
Interesting . . . Most powerful guy can't pay for his dinner. Should I ever be in such a situation [where my card is declined, say in a store] and people stare at me like something of that nature has never happened to them, this story will act as a balm of sorts. If the U.S president's credit card could be declined why shouldn't the same happen to an average Joe?
Well, shame on the credit card company for not notifying owners that their credit card has been inactive for over a certain period. I don't see why the big buzz surrounds his card declining and not the company that didn't do a thing about an unused card, It would have been very embarrassing for another person to go to a store and have that happen to them, financial companies that issue credit cards should at least text or email, or call a person when they see that their card is inactive.
It happens all the time to people that is why they warn you to use your credit card at least once a month, at the most, every other month. I think what was odd about this is that the restaurant didn't call the company to talk to them. It's not like you can truly impersonate the president, the secret service should be the major tipoff.
That's pretty funny. I'm sure it was slightly embarrassing for the president to go through that situation. He probably thought the restaurant was playing a joke on him because he has put the nation so far in debt that we can't handle our debt obligations. On a serious note, it happens all the time. I've seen it many times but never had it happen to me.