Has anyone here even tried to sign up for this? Out of those of you who did, how did it go? Did you find what you were looking for, or is it a total rip-off? I'm self-employed so I don't think it would do me any good, but it might be something my ex-wife can look into.
From what I have heard most people are angry with what obamacare is becoming. It is suppose to be affordable but is nothing close to that
I have not been back on the site, since initially trying when it first launched. I do know my brother owns his own business and he will, for the first time, be able to get insurance at a reasonable rate. I believe he has already signed up. In the past, because of his somewhat lousy health he was unable to obtain insurance for a "normal" rate, however now he has indicated he will be able to purchase it for less than $200 a month. Since he has diabetes and is obese, this means he may finally have the opportunity to get medical help to be healthy, which he seems to taking quite a bit of interest in lately. For some, I suppose it may be helping them obtain insurance when they couldn't before. The only way to find out for your particular circumstances is to get on the health exchange. I know they did a lot of work on the website in November and from what I understand it is working and functioning now. Others have still criticized, stating that the government website is not capable of keeping Americans information private.