What is your oldest toy (that you still have) from your childhood? My oldest toy is a Winnie the Poohbear plushie that is about 6 inches tall. I got him for my first Christmas (which means I was about 4 months old at the time), and I've kept him every since. He's going to be 24 years old this Christmas, and he is well worn and loved. I used to carry him around everywhere and snuggle him in bed until I was about 12 years old. I kept him on bookshelves until I turned 17 and moved to another state. He's been kept in storage ever since, but I still feel connected to him. He's a big part of my childhood.
My mother gave me some of her dolls when I was a child and an elderly family friend gave me a plastic horse that was her childrens, who are older than my mother. I would think the oldest toy I still have is probably about 60 years old! It is still in good condition and looks more realistic than many of the ones produced now so I will be hanging onto it. I also have teddies that I have kept from when I was born and they are ....years old
I don't have any toys from my early childhood because when I was taken away from my mother by the state due to child abuse, she threw all my toys away when she realized that she wasn't getting me back. I guess my oldest toy would be a dark haired, Hispanic Barbie that my foster mother bought me when I was 17. She said that the doll looked like me and that's why she chose it. My biological mother never said nice things like that to me. I guess that's why I've held on to the doll for over 20 years.
I’ve still got my first teddy bear, which I named Mary. I believe it was because I was a huge fan of Mary Poppins when I was a kid. Had that bear since I was two and carried her everywhere until I was about five or six. I’m not usually the most sentimental person, but when it comes to Mary, I am a bit sentimental, haha.
I also have a teddy and panda that belonged to my mother so they are really ancient and look it! I could not part with them though. I still have a Tiny Tears doll too with the wobbly limbs. Also I have a hand knitted horse complete with knitted saddle that was knitted for me by my aunt.
I still have my Coca Cola collectors' items (e.g. 1960s cards and matchbox cars), anime cards, kiddie mirrors and several stuffed toys with me. Since I'm not in the habit of throwing away old toys, I always end up keeping a number of them or giving some of them to orphanages where children might enjoy their company.
I think my oldest toy was a dog stuffed animal that I had when I was a baby. I like stuffed animals but generally they don't mean as much to me as the books that I grew up with. I still have the book I first learned to read (although I misplaced it) which was Chicken Soup With Rice.
I have the same copy of Pokemon Yellow that I got for a birthday when I was little. It's not that old, it came out in October 1999 and I probably got it in August 2000. Still, almost 15 years for a video game is quite a while. Also, last time I checked, it still works!
I actually own an old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figure thing that's probably a foot tall or so. It's completely plastic, and I used to carry that thing around everywhere as a young toddler. It's sitting in the closet right now, and I have no intentions of getting rid of it anytime soon. I like keeping it around, and it's a reminder of childhood times...or something like that.
I was never really big on toys when I was a kid. I much preferred books and my set of watercolors when I grew up. I still have my treasured books from that time. They are like dear old friends. I love taking them down from my book shelves every so often, and look at all the beautiful illustrations that accompanied me throughout my childhood.
I have an old GI Joe action figure from the 70's that is still in good condition. My daughters have played with it a few times since they watched the new GI Joe movie but they have not damaged it a bit.
My first doll . The one I played with as a toddler.. I christened her peppy..lol// my mom has peppy in the living room . When I visit my folks I see peppy staring at me from the living room ...
My Lion teddy bear. The one I got for Christmas from my dad. I never gave him a name, its always just been Lion.
The oldest toy that I own from childhood. Hmmmm. This is a tough one, since my outside shed is filled to the brim with old toys from my childhood, from books to Gameboys. But I think that the oldest toy that I still have from my childhood is a little doll. It is a small doll, and it was a naked baby with a penis. Strange I know, but that doll is the cutest thing lol. I still have it. I had actually taken to putting one of the clothes from my other dolls on it to over him up. He is cute whether he is clothed or naked though.
All of my toys except for this Barbie doll and some Happy Meal toys are already gone now, since my mom already gave them away. I can't even remember what my 1st toy was.
I don't think I still have any toys from my childhood but I did have a stuffed pig for a very long time. Into my adult years, but I don't have it anymore. (I had a lot as a kid, it was my favorite animal.) I also had a huge stash of beanie babies. I wish I would have kept them because I've heard stories of people getting a ton of money from their beanie baby collection.
I've unfortunately already lost all my old toys and even my game systems, because my parents never really saw much value in keeping them for memories so they were all given away or lost during moving. I don't mind though since I'm not really all that sentimental myself anyway, and I put more value in human interaction rather than objects, but I admit there are some items I wish I still had like my old consoles. I still have a lot of my old stuff from when I was a bit older though, such as the stereo I got from when I was a tween and it still sounds great up until now.
A lot of my old toys wound up being used as part of centerpieces for my wedding (long story, but they looked awesome), so I'm not sure at this point, to be honest. Uhhh... probably my old Army Ants toys...? They're from 1987, and I like them enough that I still have some of 'em on display...
If any of you remember The Getalong Gang from the 80s, I still have a couple of my old little toys from then. I was about 6 or 7 when I got the set, and 2 of the toys survived. I have them stored in a box and have no idea what I will ever do with them.