When I was pregnant, I thought that the ideal way to save money on diapers would be to invest in some really heavy duty cloth diapers that can be washed after use. I liked the idea of it but after giving birth and changing diapers every day, I'm not sure I could handle the clean up involved with cloth. Always trying to save a few dollars, I bought a generic brand when the baby shower stash ran out, but quickly saw things I didn't like. Parent's Choice is a generic brand that I found at Walmart which was considerably cheaper than the Pampers brand. Whenever my son would use it, there would be little, white "crumbs" on his bottom along with a rash. The diaper was falling apart! I would change him 8-12 times a day so I know it wasn't over full. Just wanted to inform parents about this brand.
That's really good to know. I've seen that brand at Walmart too and it was tempting to pick some up for my niece since it was very cheap. I'd hate to get into trouble for giving my niee rash burns on her bum. Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to avoid that brand.
Honestly, I have used Parent's Choice diapers for both of my kids and I have never had that problem. I recently used pampers and the diaper exploded on my child while he was sleeping. As a result I went back to the Walmart brand. His diaper has never leaked, caused a rash or had little white things left behind. You could have gotten a bad batch; it is a great diaper for a great price. Almost all the mothers in my community use the diaper for their children.
I have to agree the smart cookie above me. Parent's Choice has been a great brand for my family and that's with not one, but two different infants years apart from each other. It has also worked great for many a niece, nephew, or cousin staying over for awhile. Have you checked to see if there is a general recall in your area or if the pack you got is especially old? May have just gone over and that's where all the problems are coming from.
Thanks! I was tempted to buy Parents Choice actually because of how inexpensive they are but I hadn't found enough feed back on it. This has prevented me from making a huge purchase no-no. Thank you a lot.
I have purchased the CVS brand and Rite-Aid brand diapers with the most success in the lower price range. Huggies and Pampers are still the best in my opinion, but I avoid Luvs like the plague! Luvs leak constantly, they are completely useless. I would rather use paper towels I think! Parents Choice tend to leak when they stay on overnight, but they have been acceptable for daytime wear.
I've always used Parents Choice without a problem. I found them to work great and were completely affordable. I even would buy the Parents Choice wipes too and thought they were great. Maybe there was something wrong with the package of diapers you bought.
I stay away from all brands of disposables because my son can't b in one without getting rashes (he has very sensitive skin). We use cloth diapers so my view on this is a bit biased. If it were up to me, I'd ask all moms to stop using disposables and advice them to use cloth instead. Disposables have so much chemicals in them that they not only harm your baby's skin but the environment as well. Anyway, the modern cloth diapers nowadays are so much different from what we know from the past. I'd say they more worth to spend on than disposables that just end up in landfills.
The first diaper my baby has ever tried was Pampers. It gave her rashes and it always leaked. So right now I'm using cloth diapers during the day and Huggies at night.
I'm getting cloth for my baby, after finding out about the gels and chemicals in nappies it really put me off! Also, they get through so many of them, I can't imagine throwing that much stuff away. My neighbour across the street uses disposables and seems to have pile and piles of trash every week. I am keen to keep to my half a bag of rubbish every week!