I never pay for apps because I think it s silly to pay for something that probably has 10 other apps that are just like it. On the other hand I find myself paying for things with in a free app which is just as bad. Do you guys pay for mobile app stuff through your phones? Everytimr I get my phone bill I feel stupid about it.
Usually not, since pretty much every app I use is free. I usually don't Adblock inapp ads, though. I also don't really use my phone ALL that much, so the free apps are usually just fine for me.
I have never paid for an application in my life. Even with some of the game applications that I have downloaded and played - many of them have in-game purchases? I have never spent any money on those in-game upgrades either. I don't have the money, but even if I did I feel like I'd have a problem spending my money on such frivolous things.
I prefer to have free applications because I do not want to spent a lot of money these days. However though I am quite strict with my budget and money I can not help to buy gems and golds for my game applications.
I don't pay for app or buying anything from the apps that I have on my phone! My fixed income will send me to live on the street if I do.
There are a dozen other threads that are about paying apps with the exact same responses. People that find value in a specific app are willing to pay for it, and those that refuse to pay for apps will find a free alternative that may or may not be lacking compared to paid options. It's that simple.
Different people have different concepts of value. Mine more or less coincides with your views. I rarely pay for apps. In fact, I won't pay for anything at all if I can help it. My smartphone isn't the highfalutin version so I tend to limit the number of apps I download. Perhaps in the future I'd be more considerate towards paying for certain apps but for now, it's not my priority.
With the amount of free apps out there that's available these days, I think the only reason you'd pay is if you wanted a specific app to do a specific job.With a bit of searching and hunting around I think you can find any app you need for free. With regards to in app purchases, has anybody calculated if its cheaper to pay out right at the start for an app or get a free version and purchase options has and when you might need them?
I actually have never paid for an app yet, and I don't think I will ever spend even just a small amount of money on apps in the near future. There are a lot of free apps being offered all over the internet, so why would I just waste my money on something I know there's an alternative for?
I never used to think I would ever pay for apps for the same reason you stated but lately I've been seeing more and more apps that are unique and worth paying for. I think if you have special interests that you can use touch screens on you're more likely to run across unique apps that you'd be willing to pay for. I'd much rather they were offered for free to be honest but if they are well made enough I wouldn't mind paying for it either especially if the price were fair.
i have only payed for apps back in the day when it was more common since development for mobile applications were starting. Your probably willing to dish out some money if that app have a special interest that will only be present to you and can offer something radical than what others have.
Some things simply don't sell. When it comes to software, people somehow don't like to pay. In-game purchases irritate me a lot. A game touted as free comes with a lot of strings attached. True, programmers spend a lot of time developing applications and they expect a nice reward for their time. For instance, Windows is the most pirated software, the world over. I think it's best to rely on Ad revenue. Both programmers and people should arrive at the same page. Big corporations and governments too should do their bit to protect both consumers and developers. If Microsoft could make so much of revenue with all that piracy, software vendors can go easy on end-users. After all, the fruits of internet and communications should reach every soul on earth.
I have paid for things within apps before, but will never pay much for them. I have a movie maker app which allows you to get your movie onto your phone without having their watermark on it, but each ten videos only cost one pound, which is about $1.60, so I do not really complain with that because the app was free. Other than that I would not pay for them. Some of the apps available are really expensive too!
I rarely use apps so I am against paying for them. Most don't cost, so ones that do I need to see why and what's so special about them. Apps are always updated so that's another reason why you don't want to pay for an app that maybe outdated.
I'd never buy an app when there are free alternatives which are almost if not just as good as those paid apps. With games though, most of the good ones have to be bought so those who like games don't like have a choice. They just must fork out some cash.
I've never paid for an app or made any purchases in apps. Most of apps aren't worth what they cost, and you can always find a free alternative. I don't spend many on games, either. I don't want to invest in a game when I'm sure that I'll stop playing in some time.
I did pay for a few apps. I was actually given a $50 gift card for the app store when I purchased my mac, so I would use it here and there for things that I really liked. Lately, if the app was excellent I would purchase the full versions to support the maker because I really appreciated their work.
I have never paid for a mobile app and I really do not think there is a reason that I ever would. Each app I have ever downloaded was free of charge. I am not a huge app user anyway, so it would not make much of a difference to me if I did not have an enhanced paid version of an app.
I paid for an in-app purchase before for $5 and it never happened again. Generally i don't pay for apps because it's just really a waste of money. There are tons of free apps available for download so why pay for it. The only apps i use on my phone are Kindle and some other social networks apps anyways and they are available for free.
I'm not as averse to spending money on paid apps or in-app purchases because Google Opinion Rewards has pumped my Google Play account with money. However, when I do buy an app, I usually read the reviews in great detail to make sure this app is unique and a good, worthwhile investment.