I have much less anxiety and tend to worry a lot less when I pay my bills in advance. Even if I can only get a month or two ahead with a couple of bills it definitely helps so I'm not so worried about making sure my money gets sorted out by a certain time or not having enough by the time bills are due. My plan is to completely eliminate all but my monthly utility bills. I know it will take a while, but it will definitely be nice. What do you do to make sure your bills are paid on time? Do you pay in advance often?
It's a tall order but I do pay in advance whenever I can. The reason why I decided to take up a number of freelance gigs online is that I hope to pay utility bills on time and buy my wants without damaging the monthly salary I receive from my full-time job. I'm saving up for something so badly. Advanced payments also take the stress off you, letting you breathe for a few months until your next payment.
I try to pay in advance when I can too, or at least pay a little extra so that I have credit built up for the next month when I might not have as much money. My goal is to eventually get a month ahead on rent, that would be the ultimate comfort zone.