Are there any destinations you used to love to go to, but can't afford anymore? With so many changes in global economy and with so many disasters around, it feels like some places because very cheap to visit, but the prices in other cities/countries go pretty high up! So not only did the price of planes increase, but many travel destinations are not so appealing anymore due to the different change rate or cost of accommodations. Do you have any special places you can't afford anymore?
Japan I visited Japan when I was 11, around 15 years ago. And it was much cheaper back then to visit a country so far away. It feels like now, airlines are jacking up the prices just because they can.
Oh my gosh, that's a great question. Not that is has become completely unaffordable, but the exchange rate has changed drastically between CDN and USD. It used to be such fun to go to Canada, you could go to fancy restaurants, sight see, doing anything you wanted, and after the exchange went through it was dirt cheap! Now the money is closer to par, so we have to be more stingy again watching what we spend on. But before I loved to go to The Keg and have a steak dinner with wine for $35 USD!
Hahahaha well as a Canadian I definitely appreciate that the exchange rates are closer together now, and I especially appreciated it when they were close to the same, it meant I could go to the States and not have to pay a lot of money! Looks like some people's unhappiness really is other people's happiness. XD