Which console do you prefer , and do you think they are worth the price compared to original Playstation 4 and Xbox One consoles ? Xbox One X costs around 500 $, Playstation 4 Pro is a slightly older console and it costs around 350 $ now. Naturally, considering the price difference the new XboX is considerably more powerful and is able to run games quite fluidly on 4K resolution, unlike the PS4 Pro which often needs significant visual compromises in order to do the same. Personally, I own the Playstation 4 Pro but not the XboX ( neither the original nor the upgraded version ), I bought it at a discount and am quite happy with it overall.
That depends on what exclusive games you prefer? There are games only available for Xbox users and there are games available only for Ps4 users. Playstation have more exclusives like the Last of us and Uncharted series. Rise of the Tomb Raider use to be an Xbox one exclusive but it is now a ps4 exclusive.
That's a fair point I guess. I definitely prefer PS exclusive games over Xbox ones. Uncharted series is very popular, I don't care much for it myself but I did like The Last of Us and there is now a sequel on the way. That's definitely part of a reason of why I bought a PS over the Xbox. As for Xbox exclusives, I only know about Forza and I'm not interested in that.
One more thing, Many X-box exclusives are now available in PC. So they are not as exclusive as they use to be. The an advantage though both Ps4 and Xbox have is that if you stream them on Youtube and Twitch the earnings is 100 percent yours. If you streamed a Nintendo game, They will take a huge percentage of your earnings.
I have always been a huge PlayStation Fan so my vote is for the PS4 Pro. I use to own a PS4 Pro and I loved the visuals and I loved playing it. My only problem is I played it way too many hours. I was playing it 10~14hrs a day, 7 days a week. And that is no life or anyone, so I sold it and now I play Minecraft and I game 1~3 a day and I live life!
Well that sucks, I didn't know that. I definitely wouldn't stream any Nintendo games. Nintendo is terrible in how they treat their (dwindling number of) fans. I've heard of them blocking/copyright striking peoples Let's Plays on Youtube. Yeah I know what you mean. Not only do you not have time to do anything else, it's also incredibly unhealthy.
I wont mind playing 10 hours a day if I am making money with it. That is better than the 9 to 5 jobs I use to do. I focus more on Twitch because youtube have this Adpocalypse dramas. Yes streaming Nintendo games is not worth it. The process to have your videos monetized with a Nintendo game is hell. I want to play Bayonetta 3 but Monetizing it will be hell of a process. Not worth of time and money since your earnings will be deducted.
So you're a Twitch streamer ? If so, I would agree that you're better off with that than Youtube, these days. You can ask for donations, if nothing else, and only the most popular people on Youtube make any kind of money. Playing games for a living sounds like a good idea, but playing for 10 hours a day would inevitably lead to health problems.
Twitch is easier for me ever since YouTube banned swearing. It is hard to stream games if without swearing. Twitch is definitely easier for me because I can be my self. I still have time to exercise and walk under the sun so streaming doesn't cause me health problems compared to working in an office with a nagging boss.
They banned swearing ? Since when ? I'm pretty sure I heard more then a few youtubers swear in their videos. I know what you mean though, I would go nuts if I had to stop myself from swearing in some (frustrating) games. I'm generally a pretty calm person, but sometimes you just get frustrated by various things.