Hi there guys! Last night I was looking into some PTC websites, and I signed up for two of them. However, you make very little money if you don't have referrals... but some people swear by them! So I was thinking if it would be worth it to use PTC websites for some extra money... Did you ever use these websites? Are they worth it? Please let me know if you have tips to earn more! Thank you for your help!
Hi Isabbela I know people that use PTC to drive traffic to there "campaigns", But they are the ones advertising, not clicking. I did look into it myself, but like you found it's all about referrals ie convincing people to click for you and build there own referrals. At the end of the day someone has to click. It didn't appeal to me but it may suit some.
I have looked into that before to make money, but it doesn't seem like a way to make money. I can't deal with all of the ads. Plus, you make fractions of a penny for each click. There are definitely better options out there for making money. You'd have to click all day long to even make a dollar or so. Definitely not worth it, if you ask me.
I have tried PTC websites in the past and they do really pay so little. There is no way to make more money without having a lot of referrals and also spending some money to upgrade your membership. It takes a lot of time to get referral because we need to advertise our links, get traffic and views, but sometimes even if we have already spent so much time on it, we still haven't got anybody signing up under us and that is sure frustrating. As for upgrading membership, if we don't spend our own money to pay and choose to invest from out PTC earning instead then that will takes months until we have have earning to pay.