In this day and age, everything possible can be purchased online! It is not even limited to purchasing your groceries. Many stores offer the option to purchase your groceries online to make your life easier. Personally, I enjoy going into a store physically and picking out what I want, nothing can replace that feeling. It also makes me more active instead of just staying at home at the computer all day. What do you prefer?
There are certain things that are better bought in person and fruit and vegetables (fresh) are the obvious choices. Naturally you pick the freshest and the biggest and unless you have no time to buy these items then most people do buy them fresh. What if the picker picked moldy items or damaged ones? It's more hassle to get them replaced.
I've tried this with Peapod. They were offering a deal where I basically got $100 of groceries for $30. I couldn't resist. I'll tell you what though I'm not a fan of someone else shopping my produce for me. I take a lot more time & effort to investigate what I'm buying. Getting lettuce through this service & onions were a disaster. Everything else was decent enough. They also offer you a chance to complain about the products delivered & free delivery of replacements items but for the two items I had not quite worth the man power & gas.
I couldn't possibly do that. I don't buy processed foods, so it wouldn't be as simple as choosing a bunch of boxes for me. They would need to send me tons of fruits and veggies and I highly doubt they would know how I want them.. I'd have to just take the food in whatever shape and stage they're in. Nope. I need to be hands and nose on lol.
Although ethical and reputation considerations require online stores to go through a rigid process of quality check so that they don't send spoiled goods to their customers, I still think it's better to be safe and certain than sorry. You never really know. There's no greater assurance than being able to touch and confirm with your own eyes the fruits and vegetables you intend to purchase. Hence, I prefer to do my grocery shopping offline.
I've actually done it a few times now with good results. I haven't bought them from a place like Amazon, but from my local grocery store and had them delivered to my home. They've done a pretty good job.
I would still prefer going to the market/grocery and buy fruits, vegetables, and meat there. When it comes to food, it is much better to purchase them physically rather than through the internet. But when it comes to shopping for clothes, I am now liking the convenience of doing it online because of the awesome freebies and discounts.
There are lots of things that I enjoy buying online but my fresh products I like to choose myself. I have had bad experiences ordering food products online, so I tend to go to the store myself and pick the ones that I like rather than ordering them online. I think it is much better doing it that way.
When you're buying your fruits and vegetables of course freshness is important so ideally I'd still go to the market to buy them. I'm not really comfortable with buying them online because I wouldn't know if they were fresh enough or still good. So much alterations can be done online such as how the items in the photos are shown and the information as well. Plus, the quality of the fruits and vegetables wouldn't be the same when they are delivered to me so I'm really not for buying them online.
I personally prefer to buy fruit and veg in store, so I can see, touch and feel it. When we used to buy groceries via the Sainsburys online service, it was very hit hit and miss. We found it was much better with Waitrose, which we couldn't always afford as it is pricier.
I would buy them personally. It's very risky if you do your grocery shopping online because you can't assure the quality of the items if it's really fresh or not. Safety first.
I personally would prefer to go into the store myself and buy what I need especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables because I can see what I am buying and I know if its fresh or not. I don't know about shopping online in regards to weight but I can choose how much or how little I am paying for when I shop in store.
I think it's just a matter of time until this is normalized and it becomes part of our lives. We might not be used to it now but probably in the near future it wouldn't seem as weird. I myself also prefer to see the fruits and vegetables before I pay for them, but to be completely honest if my grocery were able to provide consistent standard of product, and even better if it's already sliced, then it may consider just having it delivered regularly because if they pack it well and are good enough in quality checking then I wouldn't have much of a problem with it.
I would like to go to the store and buy my veggies and fruits to pick out myself. Maybe online shopping of veggies and fruits were made possible for disabled people or home bound people who can't easily get around so they need home delivery of fruits and veggies.
I really cannot say if I would avail of the online shopping for vegetables. As I had posted from time to time, we do not scrimp when it comes to foodstuff because our priority is the quality. With the purchase of vegetables, there is no guarantee of the quality when you order online so I guess I would stick with my personal shopping where I can see and touch the vegetables myself thereby being assured of the quality.
Much as I love the convenience of online shopping as well as the fact that for the majority of items - as I live a considerable distance from any stores - its the most cost effective way for me to shop. Food items and especially fresh produce are not something that I would ever buy online - as I've always much preferred to choose those myself in person - so that I can check the quality of what I'm buying and even more so after the couple of times that I did - out of necessity - try online grocery shopping - turned out to be a total disaster and a whole load of hassle and that was without any fresh produce included in the order.
There are some sites you can buy from and get doorstep delivery of the vegetables or fruits you ordered. You'll be paying a lot more for that convenience though. Some people wouldn't mind this but anyone who is interested in saving money wouldn't think of it. Personally, I prefer to buy fresh vegetables and fruits from the farmers market. They are cheaper at the farmers market.