Alot of rainwater falls to the ground and flows into rivers and streams where it is basically locked out of direct use for domestic purposes. We use an iron gutter which traps rainwater from the roof and drains it into a water tank. This drastically cuts the water bills. In other areas people construct water pans in the desert or in areas where water has high salinity. This gives them to access to clean water which saves cash which could have been used to buy mineral water and for desalinisation. What method of rainwater harvesting do you use?
My husband had planned to collect rainwater for use during the dry season. He had made a design for a pipe on the roof that would direct rainwater to a cistern below (underground). However, the problem arose with the mosquito factor. The prevalence of mosquitoes are always borne from water so if there is water in the cistern, mosquitoes may be able to invade and be a breeding ground. But I guess it is a good design if used in places where there are no mosquitoes.
Much as I'm very much in favor of collecting rain water - although I have to say - I wouldn't want to drink what falls out of the sky around here - unfortunately - as I live in an arid, drought prone area with a desert like climate - where the average rainfall is at most around 400 mm per year and in reality - is generally only about half of that - harvesting rain water is an entirely different matter for me. Especially as - doing that in an arid dessert like climate like mine is not only - not exactly what you might call easy but not really an option either - as although I do have a system set up to collect water for the times when it does actually rain - its kind of pointless - particularly as - the collected water generally evaporates way faster than I can use it.
Well have enough water is not really problem here in the East most of the time. However, some summers drag on into eternity and resevoirs can get low. I have a deep well so water doesn't really concern me, in terms of my own use, but I think in the future those who live in desert or drought prone areas really do need to use the rainwater strategy to make sure they have enough water; and of course it can save money too
I collect rainwater to use for watering the plants as we often have a ban on hosepipe use during the summer months here, and as I grow a lot of my own fruits and vegetables I need the water to be able to grow things. It cuts down on my water bill, means I waste less water than I would if I used a hosepipe and it's really easy to do as well because it naturally collects itself once it's been set up. It's a great way to save money I think!
My Aunt lived in Nuuanu where it's rainy. She had a nice garden that needed constant watering. She had a rain barrel, that I don't know but seen ever since I visited as a little girl in her back yard next to her home where she caught rain water for her garden. I like to leave my plants out in the little backyard to catch rain too.
I don't really save rain water but I do have a few large containers that collect water that I use to water the lawn and my rose bush. I don't let the water sit any long periods of time to worry about the chance of bugs collecting in the water.
There are many different ways in which rainwater could be harvested, One popular method is to install gutters around the perimeter of the roof which would then lead the water into a catchment container or a tank.
It's a great idea to have a rain water collecting system plugged into the house's various pipes. We used to have a tank solely dedicated to collecting rain water for our toilets and our garden. It does cut the cost of water but unfortunately, maintenance is not as easy as it seemed and also installing the thing is not a cake walk at all.