I like to give my dogs vegetables in addition to their own food. One of my dogs loves a raw carrot (although the other just buries them!) They are cheaper than buying over the counter treats for dogs and very good for them. Do you feed your dog raw carrots or perhaps other vegetables that are good for them?
I do give my dog raw carrots. She loves them and like you said they are very healthy for them. Whenever, I am eating one she gets all excited and so I will bite off chunks for her to eat. She makes an awful mess with them though, but it makes her happy so that is all that matters. I still give her regular dog treats though but not often. I haven't had to buy them in a long time because I bought the biggest box of them. I have also seen where instead of the small training treats that are expensive they gave the dog blueberries while training them. Of course, depending on the time of year blueberries can be a little pricey.
@morgoodie I never thought to give my dogs blueberries and didn't even know they were good for them as they can be quite sharp.. They are a great idea for training treats as they won't cause any weight gain. Thanks for that tip .. I buy them for myself but never think to give them to my dogs.
I have found many lists of human food that can be good for dogs and those that are bad for them. I have even saved some recipes so I can try making homemade dog treats. They seem pretty easy but I just haven't had the chance to make them yet. Bananas are good for them too but my dog doesn't really seem interested in eating them. She loves peanut butter as well and my daughter will share a spoon of peanut butter with her once in a while. We had some green onions growing in the back yard and my other dog that I used to have would get in them and eat them. He would come in and get up on my lap and then burp in my face and you could smell the green onions. Now onions are supposed to be bad for dogs so I am not sure why he would even eat them.
I love this post! I find it interesting to know what "human" foods that people feed their pets. My grandmother fed her dog bananas! Most of your higher-end dog foods contain vegetables anyway.
I agree that the carrot is a healthy snack not only for dogs but also for humans. However, carrots here are expensive that’s why we rarely give our dogs carrots. What we give them instead is the cooked squash. Boiled with a little soy sauce makes for a good snack for dogs. It is cheap and nutritious as well. And what’s best with boiled squash is that the dogs like it.
Carrots are pretty cheap here and sometimes my grocery store sends me loyalty coupons and I can get a small bag of baby carrots for free. But you can buy a bag of unpeeled carrots for a little over $1 which are cheaper than the baby carrots that are peeled. I don't usually buy squash other than yellow summer squash but that sounds like a healthy option for dogs too. I wonder if my dog would like it if I made it for her. I have never had boiled squash. My mom would always bake it in the oven. Thanks for the suggestion @Alexandoy
This immediately reminds me of our first dog, who would not touch anything that was seemingly good for you. She loved the human food but only all the bad stuff, which we had to start limiting after a while.
I would feed my dog with vegetables but he is not eating raw vegetables, I must boil them and put in soup or any other cooked food otherwise he will not eat them. My dog is eating only food from the pet shop and is my fault of this because when he was little I didn't give him cooked food.
We share our food with the dogs, and they eat it just fine; but neither dog likes raw carrots. Both dogs are small dogs, and older dogs as well; so gnawing on a raw carrot might just be too hard for either one of them, but they both like cooked carrots, and they love sweet potatoes. They like squash also, when we have that, and will eat most vegetables providing that they have been cooked, and preferable cooked with some kind of meat .
I thought I would just mention that I think maybe raw carrots give added roughage to a dog's diet as I notice that when I give mine them they do poo more the next day and it is often full of carrot! I would think if anyone has a dog with a delicate stomach it might not be a good idea.
I think that dogs are not entirely meat eater, so they can be fed with plant food and carrots are not any exception. I used to own a dogs at my parents place and I even adopted temporary a few young dogs, they were all fed a combination of the plant and animal food. Carrots were not a problem, but my pups liked them cooked.