Saving Money By Being Organized

Discussion in Food & Drink started by Diane Lane • Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I used to have more money, and pretty much spent it on whatever I wanted, once the bills were paid and a little was set aside for savings. I didn't bother making shopping lists, nor did I check the pantry and refrigerator before shopping, to see what I actually needed.

    Nowadays, I'm on a tighter budget, so I try to remember to check the pantry and refrigerator when I'm making out my grocery list, so I don't end up with too many of one things, and not enough of another. Another thing I have noticed is that if I don't organize my list by the layout of the store, I spend more money, because I'm running to and fro in the store, sometimes passing the same displays more than once. Although the exercise is nice, seeing all of those items sometimes tempts me to buy things that aren't on the list, and aren't really needed. So, what I do is, when I'm making my list, I try to organize it by sections of the store, such as frozen, produce, paper goods and cleaning supplies, pet supplies, etc., so I not only save money, but I also save time.

    Do you use a shopping list? If so, do you organize your list by store layout? What other things do you do to save money when grocery shopping?
  2. purplepen88

    purplepen88Active Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I always use a shopping list. It's the only way I go shopping. I agree that if you don't have a list you'll end up buying more and spending more than needed. I will often impulse shop if I don't have a list. I try to always have a list and stick to just what's on it. My list usually consists of items that are on sale from the flyers and basics that I've run out of. If I stick to this list I can usually stick within my budget. I love the idea of organizing the list according to the store layout. I run to a few different grocery stores so I would have to be super organized and know the store to do this, but I might just give it try. Thanks for the great idea.
  3. Pat

    PatWell-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I don't do the major shopping for the house but when I do shop I use a list to avoid purchasing things that I already have and to keep me from forgetting something. I always check the shelves and refrig to see what we have and what we are low on. I also check the box to see how much is in the box. There could be emplty or low and it still needs to be replaced.
  4. Briannagodess

    BriannagodessActive Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    A shopping list is a must for me. I tend to go overboard with buying when I don't have a list with me. I also do not scour every area in the grocery. If I did, I end up buying things that I don't need. So I stick to my list and to places that have what I need. We also buy groceries only once a week. It is more expensive in terms of transportation and budget when you have to go the grocery many times a week.
  5. LeopardJones

    LeopardJonesActive Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I find lists essential, even for non-grocery shopping. And I do try my best to keep my shopping list organized according to the store layout, but that doesn’t always happen. I can just about remember one store’s layout, but more than that and I struggle. Not to mention, I get thrown off when they change their layouts. I’m pretty good at sticking to my list even if I have to run around the store a bit, though, so it’s not a huge issue for me.
  6. gata montes

    gata montesActive Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Totally with you Diane Lane - as not only does being organized save money - but also saves time, avoids duplicates and also the possibility of running out of anything prior to the next shopping trip

    Apart from all the things already mentioned - the only other things I do are - to always check the unit cost of items whilst shopping - to make sure that I'm getting value for money and whenever I'm getting near the end of something that I regularly use - to immediately add it to my shopping list - so its sure to be included when I check the cupboards, fridge, freezer etc while finalizing my list at the end of each week.

    Like LeopardJones - the only thing that throws me occasionally - is when the grocery store changes their layout - which mine seems to do quite regularly - fortunately though - although a little infuriating as it makes my shopping trip take slightly longer than normal - their tactic doesn't entice me into buying anything that isn't already on my list.
  7. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Wouldn't it be great if grocery stores posted a layout, the way malls do? I think they want us running back and forth, because they know it means more sales for them.

    @gata montes@gata montes That's a good point, I try to pay attention to the unit costs as well, because I always thought the more you bought, the cheaper the per unit (ounce, pound, or whatever) would be lower, but I found out recently that isn't always the case.

    @LeopardJones@LeopardJones @gata montes@gata montes One thing I noticed here is that it seems about every other Walmart Supercenter is set up exactly the opposite of the other. Mine is set up with the grocery section on the left, and hair salon and garden center on the right, but when I go to some others in the area, they will be set up opposite, which can be confusing. Fortunately, when I'm trying to find something, I can switch it around in my head, and figure out where I need to go. I'm not sure why they do that, other than to throw people off, so they'll buy more items on impulse.
  8. missbishi

    missbishiWell-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I admit that my OH compares my preparations for a shopping trip to a military operation. I even go so far as to plan my route around the supermarket, writing items on the list in the order that you'd find them in the store. This keeps me well away from my two weal spots, the clothing section and the bakery.

    I also visit 2-3 stores during a shopping trip, so I can get the lowest price for every item. Before I hit hard times, I would never pay any attention to this at all and would just shop at the nearest place. I dread to think of the money I've effectively flushed down the loo because of these habits.
  9. Jasmine2015

    Jasmine2015Active Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Being organized does save you money. It helps you to see what you eat the most of since you're note likely to buy it again. It also helps you to see what barely gets eaten so you don't buy the same things that won't be eaten, wasting money. Having a list on hand is a good reminder of what you have at home especially if you're shopping and you can't call someone at home to remind you of what you need.
  10. xTinx

    xTinxWell-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    Pretty simple advice but I personally find it effective. One of the reasons why we lose track of our expenses is the lack of a system. If you have a system for managing your budget, which may include listing out items for your shopping list and constantly keeping track of the household cash flow, it'll be easier and less of a hassle. When you're organized, the less you'll waste resources.
  11. Ke Gordon

    Ke GordonWell-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I must confess I haven't always made a shopping list, but I am noticing now when I do make one, it helps me stay on task and away from impulse purchases. If I don't have a list I am more likely to wander the store, looking for what looks good, and making impulse purchases. For instance, I was at Walmart today with no list and when I left I had items I hadn't planned on buying and did not get the things I really planned on, I think I need to make a list when I go there.
  12. Corzhens

    CorzhensWell-Known Member

    May 27, 2015
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    When you say financially organized, what I understand is the proper budgeting of your money. Like me, I always have an accounting system ever since I started earning. I have to keep track of my expenses particularly the payables. One way of maintaining a healthy balance of the ledger is to stick to your plan of expenses. Shopping on impulse or eating out beyond the schedule will only add to your financial burden.
  13. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Ha, I'm envious @missbishi@missbishi ! I really want to eventually organize my shopping list by aisle, but the closest I've gotten so far is to do it by store section. I still have to go back and forth a tiny bit, but if I review my list prior to entering the store, I will usually recognize something I need as I pass it, which is an improvement on the past. Unfortunately, where I live, the distance I would have to drive precludes my ability to save money by shopping at 2 or 3 different stores for the bargains, since I'd use up the saved money (and more) in gas and vehicle wear and tear.
  14. bsthebenster

    bsthebensterNew Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    I find when I make a shopping list I am less likely to forget things I need. When I have a list at the store, I am able to avoid impulse buys. Whenever I forget the grocery list, I purchase things I already have and I forget to buy important things. This is why I make my list on my phone. I never end up leaving the house without my phone, that way I never forget the list. I'm not a very organized person. Using my phone to make lists has been the only way I can keep organized when at the store.
  15. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I make lists but more so just I could save time since I always take up way too much time always trying to remember what I wanted to buy, and I'm sure I look like a confused person whenever I have to stop and look up and think hard too. I agree that I do get to save a lot of money from this as well since otherwise I'd just go way too crazy on buying extras I don't really need whereas having a list helps me stay more focused so even when I do stray I at least have a better vision on what the bulk of my shopping should be as well as what needs to get priority.
  16. KimmyMarkks

    KimmyMarkksActive Member

    Nov 12, 2015
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    I find that one of the biggest reasons I waste food is because I don't know I have it. It gets stuck in the back of my fridge or pantry and eventually expires.
    I find that when I am organized I tend to throw out food because I am aware of what I have.
  17. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I make a list when I'm grocery shopping and I also don't do my groceries when I haven't eaten, because it will just make me buy more food that I don't even need, like junk food for example.
  18. ohiotom76

    ohiotom76Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    I used to be more disciplined with my shopping, only going to the grocery store every two weeks when I got paid, and stocking up my fridge and pantry with the same items. I would always get the same fresh vegetables - tomatoes, onions, garlic, celery, lettuce, cucumbers, etc... and the same packs of meat, some ground beef, chicken breasts, pork chops, as well as the same canned stuff, frozen stuff, OJ, milk, fresh bread, etc... so I knew that my grocery bill would be around $100. That way if I did want to make some sort of special recipe, I knew the cost for those additional ingredients would be in addition to that $100. It helped me keep things in check and avoid over spending by too much.

    These days though unfortunately I tend to go to the grocery store and buy a few things at a time depending on what I'm in the mood to make, which means I'm almost always over spending when you add everything up.

    I never really kept a physical list, it was just in my head, since I bought the same stuff so often.