The craziest thing I ever witnessed was on the TLC showLog In. In one episode, a woman said she saved money on water by showering and cleaning her clothes simultaneously. This process allowed her to get clean and also wash garments. See clip:Log In
Hey, whatever works. In this day and age everyone is looking for ways to save money and, you never know, some of the viewers might see that as a good way. I would never do it, I can think of more comfortable ways of saving money, but if it works for her that's fine.
I would probably never do this myself because I just bought a washer and dryer and our bills didn't go up much after using them a couple times a week. I also like to enjoy the time I have in the shower, not use it to work. I once saw a man, on that show, who re-used his paper towels lol.
Was she wearing the clothes at the same time? Even if not, it doesn't seem very hygienic as either she will be washing herself with water that has passed through clothes, washing herself with water that has come from her, or using twice as much water (and therefore not saving any money!)
I mean, that's just beyond weird. I don't get why people get so convinced or hooked on the idea of saving money. Sure, it's good to save money when possible, but when you're going to extremes like this to cut your costs then you should look into getting some help because you're beyond the "strange threshold". Clean your clothes in a washing machine like normal people and cut costs by buying cheaper fabric conditioner or something.
That is pretty weird, in my opinion. I would never do such a thing, because I can also wash my clothes myself outside. Washing them while I clean myself seems kind of silly. It would also take more time to clean your clothes to, so it might not benefit you as much as normally using a washing machine. I have heard of weirder things, like not flushing the toilet if you pee, and only flushing when you poo.