I think some banks are really abusive in the fees they charge, so a good way to save is to switch to a bank that charges smaller fees for transactions and maintenance. If you don't want to change banks, just the suggestion that you are thinking about it might be a good reason for them to lower the fees. Any other suggestions to save money with banks?
Since all banks charge different fees for maintenance, transactions, etc., I think your best bet would be to look around on the net for the info about what the banks charge for keeping your money for you, what interest you'll earn and so on. After making the comparisons, you can then choose the bank where you'll spend less on paying for banking services.
That is a good advice that I think that most people don't follow. I think that generally people open their bank accounts in the bank closer to their home or job and they don't realize that sometimes that bank is charging way more than other bank for the same level of service.
Convenience shouldn't be an excuse anyone gives for choosing a bank that charges higher service rates than the others. I hear that smaller banking institutions are your best bet for great service, great interest rates and so on but the risk involved is . . . you could lose all your money. Anyway, since most banks have web-sites, the least an internet-savvy bank customer would do is take a look around and find the bank that best answers their needs.
When I bought my house a few years ago I went literally to every single bank to check the one that offered me the best conditions, but that was something huge like buying a house. Just to open a bank account most people don't care and banks take advantage of that.