Getting to save on hotels can be a good thing, but it is rather easy to do. Now a good example of this is calling and asking for a managers special. These specials are something you have never thought about before, but generally they are a great deal lower then anything you can find on the Internet. A good example is one of my favorite hotels books online for a hundred a night. Called and asked about the special got to pay for three nights and got the fourth night free!
I highly recommend using sites like Priceline and Hotwire, too. They let you "bid" on rooms and so long as you don't need a very specific hotel, you can end up with amazing deals. I got one last year in downtown San Diego for only 40 bucks or so, and their list price was over $200. They had openings, though, and I scored an awesome room for next to nothing in comparison!
Also, always try to see if the clerk has charged you for anything extra, as from what I've heard, you're often also paying for the Wi-Fi privileges even if you don't use them. Always try and inquire to see if there are any ninja fees! xD
No one answered my question below, so I'll post it here too: I'm just learning about sites like Priceline and Expedia, and I'm wondering if they are truly worth it? The only drawback I've found so far is that you can't get a refund if you get to the hotel and it sucks.