Back to the basics. Do you need money? Are you a smoker? It's a simple matter of connecting the dots, quit smoking. With this I am not saying that it is easy to do it, but certainly the money plus the health factor can be a really good motivation.
When it comes to economics alone, smoking is probably one of the dumbest money problems you can have. Forget the up front costs (which are high). Think about the consequential health problems that come later in life and the costs involved there. I mean, a similar argument could be made against sun exposure when it comes to cancer risk, but smoking is so obviously a high maintenance and high budget habit. There are definitely smokers in my family. I do understand how hard it is to quit. A good reason never to start in the first place....
I agree so much, it's one of the dumbest choices ever. My dad is a really big smoker, he annoys everyone with his smoke and hurts himself and he proudly states he's going to quite when he is 120 years old haha... I don't even get how someone starts to smoke these days, it's really pointless.
If someone smokes then God bless him, just don't smoke in my face. I tried to smoke before because I was really curious, I mean, you puff nicotin inside your lungs and you're supposed to feel relaxed or something? I didn't get into it, I mean, if you want to feel menthol in your lungs just pop in some Clorets or something. I too don't see the point of smoking anymore.
I agree with that post so much, although I am not a smoker I do know how much money smokers pay on a monthly basis. With that said, for those of us that don't smoke it is a lot easier said than done, when something becomes an addiction it is tough to stop.
It's a rent eagle, they pay a rent and they can't see beyond their addiction, sometimes in coffee and cigarettes they could be paying for the gym, a new car, going out to dinner, just imagine. And the worse is that many don't respect those by their side...
I quit smoking three weeks ago and it's already the best thing I've ever done! It was not easy, and I'm not done yet but I already feel the money piling in my wallet. Not to mention the health and the energy I know feel each morning. I'm sure that in time the money I would have spent smoking will be spent on something else but at least I feel healthier. Plus, in the last months I always felt guilty when buying a pack. No more of that now!
Congratulations are in order prettycolors, quiting smoking is something really hard, but it's probably one of the best things you can do for yourself and for the ones around you. When I quit smoking I always build a than on top of the other, meaning, if I already have three weeks effort no way I'm going back to day one! Good luck, I'm pretty sure you'll make it.
Nope, I'm not a smoker and I try my best to encourage others to stop smoking. I remember someone came up to me and asked me for a lighter, I said that I didn't have one and he insisted that if I gave him a lighter he would quit. Someone else gave him a lighter and he told them the same thing he told me - that he would quit. An hour goes by and he comes back to me (I was volunteering at an exhibition) and asks for a lighter. I stared at him and shook my head.
If you analyze smoking from an expenditure point of view, it's just about the worst thing there is. You are spending a lot of money for the chance at cancer and an earlier death, but even if you manage to dodge that, you still get lungs and breathing problems, not just a much lighter wallet. It has been said that the lottery is a tax on dumb people, but I think smoking is even worse.
You made a realistic portrait Strykstar, but a the same time there are smokers that are 100% dogmatic and they don't care about nothing of that and they are arrogant to say that they don't want to die healthy!!! There are plenty of things that should be considered illegal and smoking is one of those.
I don't understand it either, it's crazy how most drugs are illegal and yet tobacco is completely legal. At least with other drugs you are only harming yourself, with tobacco you also harm other people through the smoke and second-hand smoking.
I hate those people who just smoke because they think they look cool. Seriously, are you kidding me? I think being healthy and fit is 'cooler' than just looking cool(that if it does make you look cool) I hate those who smoke and give an one time example of a person who smoked and still lived 97 years. It's just like saying mark zuckerberg dropped out and still made billions.
Quite a few people used to start smoking that way maxparker, especially teenagers that want to look cool in front of their mates they start smoking and they probably don't know the harm they are causing to themselves and others. Later it will be harder to quit, not to mention the small fortune you spend on that.
I can understand teens trying to look cool but nowadays there is so much information, I hope in the next few decades we will see a sharp drop in the number of smokers. In the end it has to do with the information and education they receive from their parents so it's not just up to the kids.
A couple of years ago I've read that in a near future smokers would be socially excluded, but I am not seeing that to happen. True, prices have come up, public places forbidding appeared, but even so smokers keep smoking and I don't even know if this number has decreased or not.
Well, if it was all that easy, millions of smokers would have given it away a long time ago. How about coming up with better treatments to help cure the addiction?
I don't know if that is the better approach Dora because and addict just stops being an addict if he wants to. I think we should try to realize why kids still start to smoke, that is the big question for me.