So What Do YOU *HATE* about Facebook?

Discussion in Product Reviews started by mythman • Aug 3, 2014.

  1. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yes, I suffered needlessly for a long time. In the end, I see it as selfishness. It's all about "me". Ungratefulness. Punishment for imperfection in oneself or their lives. Sometimes it's just an unexplainable sadness. It's so much easier to jump into negative energy than fight it. So much easier to hate yourself than to love yourself.. especially when society says most of us aren't loveable. It's a side effect of brainwashing too in my opinion. I believe in depression, don't get me wrong. I just think very few are actually depressed and if they are.. the current definition of depression is NOT permanent without drugs. It's still just that ladder of choices. But people cling to that label like a life line so they can say they don't have to try.. that they have a "chemical imbalance" that means they need to drug up and keep hating themselves and life. Constant punishment.. it's very sad. But not true depression. We're human beings, just as feeling sorry for ourselves and not being able to climb out of it is... that's not a need for drugs. And everyone that throws the chemical imbalance out there can bite me lol. Sorry guys! If there is such a thing, just maybe it's our "depression" creating it, instead of the other way around. Either way, it doesn't rob you of choice and the ability to fight back. Yeah, I can see now why people hate my thoughts on depression lmao... I accept that I'm wrong because I'm in the minority.. story of my life lol.
  2. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I understand what you are saying. Its a tricky thing to talk about, because a lot of people are so sensitive about it. But there is an enabling aspect to it, for sure. And there is also a legitimate aspect to depression too. A lot of people, especially when they are in that mode/state of being, simply will not be able to discern the difference. Hell, many do not want to. They'd rather wear the label of depression in order to avoid other things in life. I can also relate to that. I feel like our society teaches that depression is this hole that is very difficult to climb out of. And it is/can be if you don't do the mental and emotional work. I know from my own experiences, that I chose to dwell in certain things when I could have reached for the better feeling mood or thought.

    The depression creates the chemical imbalance. The chemical imbalance doesn't create the depression; you are correct! I don't think that you are wrong. If you're wrong, then I;m also wrong lol. We can't have both of us being wrong now can we? The current consensus surrounding depression in today's society is one of utter hopelessness and powerlessness. Disempowerment to the power of ten. Nobody wants to teach the natural human solution, because then drug companies would lose out.
  3. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yeah.. I don't know how to talk about it without sounding insensitive. And me having suffered for so long apparently doesn't count.. it couldn't have been real if I just turned it off the way I did LOL. Whatever! I know this depression everyone speaks of and yes, it's hopeless and unending and exhausting and painful.. IF you don't do the work, as you said. But you absolutely don't need drugs and it really does take practice for most. For me, it was easy when I finally did it. Something turned on the light for me and in an instant I was able to make the choice.. because I believed it to be that easy. Obviously if one doesn't think it's easy, it won't be. It's as difficult as you make it. I was very lucky and found out HOW to switch it off.. that doesn't make me a fraud or unworthy of wearing the label lol. People don't like hearing all of this though, so I guess I was an unworthy fraud that has no clue what "real" depression is.

    All I know and all I keep saying is, the brain is an amazing thing! But you control it, not the other way around.. I find depression a cop out. Sorry to anyone that offends. if you list all the reasons you're depressed, I'm sure the words "me" and "I" will dominate and there is a very good reason for that.
  4. maryannballeras


    Nov 11, 2014
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    The one thing that I hate about Facebook is the negativity that it brings. I don't know why, but it seems like some people use Facebook as a means to vent out their anger and depressions in life. And I don't like that. I'm trying to live a positive and happy life and seeing negative posts can definitely bring me down. These people need to understand that posting your anger or pain on Facebook won't make the situation any better.
  5. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I can see your point. But I can also see the other side of things. Venting helps. That energy needs to go somewhere, and sometimes people on your friends list can point out solutions or offer words of upliftment. If venting offers a person relief, then they are just one step closer to feeling better. One step closer to the energy of the solution/relief. It doesn't always go so smoothly though lol, as I pointed out above. But it can go that way. You can't expect other people to be a certain way, on their own profiles, in order to not bring you down, or make you happy. People are going to be people. It is up to you to take in what you think serves you, and leave the rest. It's up to us to be the eye of the storm. But I know it is tricky. When I see statuses from people who are constantly moaning, I'll read it and it stays in my brain for maybe three seconds, before it's gone. And then I'm onto the next moment. Or if I find that I can't take it at all, I unfollow the person so that their statuses don't appear on my timeline. I love this feature because it allows you to tune people out without unfriending them lol.
  6. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yes exactly.. even with Facebook, it's what you make it. If someone's crabbing brings you down, you are choosing to allow it to do so. I know it's hard.. I thrive (or not) off other people's moods. At least I did for most of my life.. I have to actively fight being brought down with them. But I do it, because I would rather practice and perfect that then allow other people to have such power over me. Life is too short to be down over the petty stuff. Especially the petty stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with us.
  7. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    It can be very very hard, especially when those who are constantly moaning are people that you care about - people who you want to see smile. People who you'd like to be able to help and uplift, even if it is just a few words of comfort. But you really have to maintain your own happiness first. It isn't selfish, as society would have us all believe. It's self-care, which society has the majority of us demonize. We've all been taught that self-sacrifice is noble - that we are good people for it, which is ridiculous. Yes, help where you can, if you have the wherewithal to help or give. But as you said, life is too short to be burdened with petty stuff that wasn't even yours to begin with.
  8. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I have exactly 3 people on my list who do nothing but complain. They did it before Facebook and they'll do it long after it's physical crack lol. So I do see where everyone is coming from. There is no helping these types. As bad as I feel for them not knowing any joy (apparently), there comes a point I can't sympathize anymore because I know there is a fix just being ignored. They want to believe happiness is in something down the road they may never have and there is no telling them otherwise.. that's how most people waste their lives.
  9. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I think it is important for people to also post the happy things. It does look very bad when people post and every single post, without fail, is a moan, or something depressing lol. It tells you where their intentions lie. Some people only post when they are winning, or when they want you to think that they are winning. And others only post depressing stuff, because they want/need to suck the energy out of their friends and draw sympathy. It would be nice to have some balance. You now know about the unfollow feature - that is assuming that you didn't know about it before. I had four people unfollowed when I was still using my profile. If you are sick of seeing these people moan, but don't want to do anything as drastic as unfriending them, unfollow their asses lol. You can still go to their profile and manually check in with them, but their statuses and posts won't show up on your timeline. The feature really is a blessing.
  10. Sapphyt

    SapphytNew Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I hate that so many of my friends have disappeared from my news feed and I hate all of the ads that are always popping up and some are very gross images. I love being able to stay connected with family and friends who live too far away to visit on a regular bases. I would have to say that my love for Facebook outweighs my hate, but just a little. :)
  11. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yup, I use that with a few people lol. And I do see the opposite, winning posters all the time too. I'm thinking with them though, at least it's a form of trying. Some of them are truly more happy than not and others are truly unhappy and wish these events etc were all there is too see.. they want more for themselves and are sort of creating the person they want to be. If that's the case, they have more a chance of climbing out than the ones that are constantly being enabled and coddled. But then there's the braggers lol. Still a form of trying, but much less considerate.

    Are you using Firefox or Chrome? Both have adblock.. I think I'm using Adblock plus.. haven't seen an ad in years ;)
  12. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yes, you can take it that way. There are many that are genuinely winning, and when they post those statuses they are always a joy to comment on. And they are full of life and jokes and smiles. I'm just dubious of the ones that reek of falseness, fear, or attempting to be better than everyone else, only for me to find out that the status was lies afterwards through the FB drama that will sometimes ensue in the comments section. But on the other hand, those people could be deliberately attempting to steer their lives in a more fulfilling direction by posting those statuses, even if they aren't true. Law of attraction says that the more you talk, think, and act out a thing, the more you will attract things like it.
  13. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Well, I wasn't talking about the truly winning. Again, there are too many varieties in the same boat, we could go on for days lol. And the teeeeeny tiiiiiiiiny age gap will play a part too. As you know, we go through phases every stage of life and there are only a small few deceitful, whiney, drama starting people on my list these days. Like, one maybe lol... everyone else has grown up, even if they too are one of the 30 something versions of a "winning poster". I do enjoy the ones who are truly winning, grateful and deserving.. love love love. The ones who aren't, obviously want to be and it's sad. The ones who are still 15 in the head have more issues than I care to witness and were booted a while ago.
  14. hellavu

    hellavuActive Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    What I dislike? Seeing the duckfaces and sexy pictures of my little cousins and of old friends that I just cannot find it in me to respect. Seeing stupid posts that show how short-sighted the people I love are and how superficial. What I absolute hate? How content that we post that we really care about does not get any attention, but any whiny or dramatic or passive-aggressive post get a lot of attention. That's annoying.
  15. nonsiccus

    nonsiccusActive Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I haven't actively used Facebook in several years now. I was a part of their early years when it was limited to university students only, and it was a platform that focused on networking and keeping in touch with friends that went to other institutions. For a while it was great, and was very effective for what I used it for. Then, as time passed and they grew larger, methods of monetizing it as a product began to creep in.

    Now, between the ad and article spam and the general lack of quality postings makes Facebook a bit of a cesspool. I log on occasionally to answer some messages (mostly directing people to contact me through a different medium).

    In my opinion, Facebook is passé.
  16. LitoLawless

    LitoLawlessActive Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    I wouldn't say that I really HATE one thing, but one thing that does annoy me a lot is when a whole bunch of people post the same meme. I hate when I'm scrolling through my timeline and I see the same meme over and over again. It's just annoying. Another thing is getting game invites to games that I will never play in my life. Now, I know for a fact that that's not only me.
  17. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Those both kind of remind me of 'a thing I hate' (maybe I mentioned it before, but it REALLY bugs me)---when people feel that 'like'-ing isn't enough and have to POST "Amen" as their entire COMMENT on some banner someone MINDLESSLY shares in a group. That kind of commenting really annoys me because it sends a WHOLE EMAIL-ALERT to my inbox for each little insignifigant post like that! 'If you only AGREE WITH THE POST,' I think every time I see that, 'That's what the "like" is FOR!'
  18. missbishi

    missbishiWell-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    What do I hate about Facebook? It has to be the pity parties people like to hold. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of sympathy for those who genuinely deserve it but some people seem to fish for it all the time. Also, those passive-aggressive statuses or vague quotes about karma catching up with people in the end really get my goat!
  19. d4rk3n

    d4rk3nNew Member

    Jan 7, 2015
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    Two things in fb annoy me a lot:
    1.The number of attention seekers in fb. There is no scarcity of these people here. In fact they comprise a majority of fb population, who whine about the smallest things.
    2. The game requests. Seriously, if I decline the request of a particular game once, it's quite obvious I'm not interested in it. But then, I get the same requests over and over again. And it really gets to my head. (Zuckerberg please )
  20. nonsiccus

    nonsiccusActive Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I've noticed a steady degradation in the quality of posts with each new feature that gets added to Facebook. I remember prior to any kind of ads and apps, it was relatively benign with mostly relevant feeds from friends and family. Notifications would be of birthdays and events coming up alongside messages and whatnot. As Facebook started adding more of these features it quickly turned in to ad and application spam.

    All fo the people I cared about started leaving and soon there were very few reasons for me to stay as well.