When do you find yourself deciding whether to buy a store bought bouquet or having a bouquet delivered to the recipient? Do you imagine the expression on the recipient's face while making the decision? It can tell a lot about you whichever one you decide on. Thinking about it - store bouquets usually show thoughtlessness versus the thoughtfulness of delivered bouquets; convenience versus planned; restraint of spending versus being worth the expense. It something to think about the next time you want to buy a bouquet of flowers.
I think that's all in how you choose to perceive it, though- maybe the store bought flowers were an extra chance to see the person and deliver it yourself, maybe an already tight budget couldn't fit an expensive delivered bouquet but you wanted to spend that extra expense on the person to at least get them some flower arrangement. I think it all depends.
I respect your response JessiFox. Indeed that is the point that I was making 'perceiving' what the recipient may be thinking. It's just another way to consider when making a decision, nothing more or nothing less.