I prefer a real book, but I am not opposed to reading on a tablet. I get satisfaction out of turning the pages on a real book. Also, while their are setting to help make sure that the tablet does not dim while you are reading on it, I feel that simply picking up a book is less cumbersome than trying to control the tablet settings. On the other hand, I suppose tablet reading provides for more immediate access to books, because books can simply be downloaded from online in a matter of seconds, rather than having to order a book through the mail or drive to the library or store to obtain the book to read.
Lately, I've started buying real books because I need something to read right before I go to sleep. Reading from my tablet is not an option because I tend to stay up longer when I'm reading ebooks on my tablet rather than on a paperback. On the other hand, I get sleepy once I read 10 pages of my book which allows me to sleep for longer hours, prevent my eyes from getting damaged, and fix my broken body clock from when I used to read on my tablet.
I like to read and will read when ever I can the time. Reading on a tablet is a little more convenient than carrying a book when you are traveling.
For older people like me, it is the printed book that is preferred. I understand that kindle or tablets for reading have the advantage of offering you an array of stories in different writing styles and some stories have accompanying animation. Younger people may have the strength to handle the glare but my eyes do not welcome glares that could lead to poor eyesight in the future. I am in front of the monitor in the office so at home I want my eyes to have a rest.
Oh I have to go with the feel that I get from the real book. There will always be something to me about marking a page, being able to write on a page - with a pen, and just doing things the way that I always have and always did growing up. That is not to say I cannot enjoy a book on the tablet, though, just if given the choice I would easily choose the real book.
When it comes to reading if there has to be a choice between a book and a tablet my choice would definitely be the book. There is no chance of the book malfunctioning are being out of service I love being able to flip the pages of the books even when sometimes which sometimes I do for a bit of relaxation when I have been reading for an extended period. I also enjoy the aroma which a book exudes when it's new, therefore, this cosy attachment to the book grants it pride of place over usage of a tablet. The tablet being a product of new age technology has its more than its fair share of interest. However, it is prone to malfunctions, loss of service, and loss of data, A printed book ,however, is not prone to so many possible failures. However, I cannot ignore the fact that the tablet is a symbol of great technological advancement, However, I will settle with the good ole book at any time.
Why not both? I am a big book reader myself and in school you couldn't have tablets for reading books. I love reading on my tablet because I can carry so many books and not have it take up space. I can highlight and bookmark pages so I don't have to remember page numbers all the time. I have hated highlighting in physical books so I would use sticky notes when possible. I just have to hope that they don't fall out the book.
I prefer real books. Nothing beats a real book in your hands and that real book smell. I have tried to read online and I have, I don't enjoy it though. Even on my phone. I hate staring at a screen forever it tires my eyes moreso than a book. I guess I am just old fashioned. I found a cheap place to buy books so the price isn't really bad either.
I like reading books. When I read books on my Ipad I find myself distracted. I would rather have the physical book in my hand. I like being able to see how much I have read. I guess it's all about personal preference. My aunt found out about Ereaders and has not bought a book since.