Well, it's been more than a year now since I completely cut out sugar from my diet. And by sugar I don't just mean cane sugar, but every possible hidden sugar in processed food, such as lactose, fructose, sucrose, sucralose, maltose, and the list goes on. My tastes have changed forever. These days all I need is a handful of cashews or an Apple to satisfy my craving for something sweet. How do you feel after not consuming sugar for a while?
My taste buds have totally changed! I eat next to no processed foods now; best thing I've ever done. I never thought I could clean up my diet the way I have. I gave all the same excuses everyone else does (it's bland, boring, everything in moderation! etc lol), but now I can't even stand the taste of the things I loved before. I love not craving those foods! Now I crave healthy and my body adores it. I read it can take as little as a couple of weeks for your taste buds to change.. but like with drugs, I don't think it will happen unless you're ready for it.
I've heard about people's taste buds being altered when changing these three things: Sugar intake, salt intake, &/or stopped smoking. It seems like those things really affect how we taste everything in our life. I've always limited my sugar intake. Rather aggressively since my teen years. It's tough for me to say how dramatically better/worse my ability to taste is because I've been doing it for so long.