The No-No!

Discussion in Product Reviews started by alahnna • Mar 6, 2014.

  1. alahnna


    Apr 18, 2012
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    So I caved a few months ago and bought the No-No. I figured if I can get some half decent results in the privacay of my home instead of paying hundreds of dollars for someone else to do it for me, why not? Plus they had the money back guarentee, so you can't lose, right? So I bought it and waited impatiently for it to ship. It comes in the mail and I excitedly run to the bathroom as I pull out the instructions. Seems simple enough.

    The first week it seems ok. The smell is horrid when it is used, but you kind of get used to it after a bit then spray a ton of air freshener. You also learn very quickly to go very carefully over places like knees and ankles, just like you would with a razor. I had a few burns to prove this theory. By the second week, I'm getting the hand of using it and am waiting very impatiently to see the results. It says on the box it will be about 6 weeks before you start seeing results so I still had a ways to go.

    By the third week, I am tired of using this thing every 2-3 days. I hate the smell, my legs have gotten really dry and I am still not really seeing much for my efforts. The laser can be touchy at times if you don't hold it exactly right and you have to go over places a few times because it will miss hairs. I'm starting to get a bit annoyed.

    Week 4 and 5 pass much the same, annoyed, hating doing this because I feel like I'm doing it all the time and for barely any visible results. They say you get faster at doing it as you get used to it. You do, but it still takes a good 20-25 minutes to properly do legs and underarms. I am starting to see a few very small patches that don't seem to be growing back as thick or where a hair or two isn't there. Maybe there is hope...

    Week 6 comes and I am pretty dissapointed. I only have a very few spots about teh size of a dime where the hair growth has stopped. 90% of my leg still has hair that grows back exactly the same color and spot as when I started. It it at this point, when the machine stops holding it's charge very well. A full charge only lasts me about 20 minutes. As I am in the bathroom collecting the equipment to send back to the company and get my money back, I drop it in the toilet. Submerged completely in... the... toilet. I frantically dig it out of the toilet, dry it off and put it in a bowl of rice as the blue light on the front flashed on and off repeatedly. I check it the next day and it won't turn on at all. No life. After 2 more days, still nothing.

    So my experience with the No-No... it is now a $300 paperweight.
  2. Pat

    PatWell-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    What a review. The commercial lied to the public about this product! I will share your results with others who maybe thinking of using the NO NO to remove hair from their body.
  3. amynichole318

    amynichole318Active Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Thank you for your review. I have been thinking about this for a while now but after reading your review, I think I will pass. It's just to much money with to little, if any results. Just out of curiosity what kind of smell is it? Is it like a burning smell? I don't think I would care for that at all.
  4. alahnna


    Apr 18, 2012
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    It's a burnt hair smell and it's very very strong, at least to my nose it was. I tried burning a scented candle or some incense like they suggested but it really didn't help much at all. I tried some air freshener and it just sort of masked the smell. It doesn't just smell in the air though. Your skin itself smells like burnt hair wherever you use the No-No. It comes with a cream that you are supposed to use after each time you use the No-No and the cream is supposed to help cut out that smell on your skin. I found that it did help some, but I could still smell it. Maybe I just have a really sensitive nose, I don't know. I would open the windows to let it air out and the smell would stick around for a while before it would dissipate.
  5. 57spotty

    57spottyNew Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    oh no, in the toilet??? i am so sorry!!! a $300 paperweight is horrible :( big hugs and thank you so much for this review so no one else makes the same mistake of purchasing this!
  6. sarz

    sarzActive Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Excellent review thank you. Thought that the No No, may be a great alternative to waxing and shaving. Evidently not a friend said it is also quite painful but I thought so is waxing so I will give it a go.
    After reading this its clear that the No No is a No Go! Sorry you lost out, the toilet seems like the best place for it! :0
  7. clairebeautiful

    clairebeautifulActive Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Totally agree with you.

    My mom bought it when they were offering two for the price of one, and gave me the extra. First of all, I found it terribly hard to hold at the right angle in order to actually get it to work. It took ten times as long as shaving or waxing. And I too could not see visible results. In fact, I found myself shaving after using it because I felt like it didn't even get rid of all the hair.

    If the removal was permanent I'd be more likely to put up with the time up front, but because it wasn't, it was just an extra hassle to me.