Hi! I am not really a good packer. I tend to pack everything I see in my closet, so I always end up bringing things that I do not really need. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here can give suggestions on how to pack properly for a rather long trip. Thanks in advance!
Chiofthenorns! Before going to travel you need to pack your luggage. This luggage should be based on just important things not to all the extra stuff of your home. Firstly you should think about your stay that how long you are going to stay? Then put the important clothes with the weather adjustment of your destination. You should avoid keeping the extra stuff in your bag.
Okay now that's not the way to go when packing things. First of all, organize your things. Allot a day or two in your packing, check on the things you need to bring, have a checklist if you will and try to ask yourself "Am I really going to need this?". Also check your schedule, it will determine how many clothes or other things you should bring with you. If you're going to be out for a month then bring a month's worth of clothing and other stuff.