My hair is not gray any more. It's already nearly 100% white. There was a time when I left it naturally white. Then I started dying my hair and it became a habit. Before I used chemical dyes and it was rather expensive. Then I discovered henna. For less than 1usd, I can get my whole head of hair dyed. That's cheap, isn't it?
Honestly, it depends on the person. Some people get it in such a way that it's flattering.. others, it washes them out. Some people actually look younger with it, some just look aged. So it really depends and if you don't like it, I highly doubt you will until it's grown in more, if then. I'm not grey yet, but I'm hoping it's flattering because i love grey hair. I might even dye more of it grey to suit me if it grows in sporadically like most people. I really like when the front grows in silver and the rest is "pepper". I really do think grey can be flattering.. it just depends what you do with it.
Victor, that is a great question. I started graying at the age of 18 and by forty I was almost 85% gray. My children are really embarrassed when I do not color my hair. They say grandma looks younger.. I would rather leave my hair as it is.. but my skin does not match my hair. I have also gotten into that habit of coloring my hair.. ( an expensive habit alright) since my hair grows really fast and I have to color every 8-10 days. I think I would prefer to look my age than look prematurely gray for the time being. Once I cross the fifty mark I might just let my hair take its natural color I think.
I was only in my teens when I first saw a bunch of white strands on my hair. Now that I'm in my 20's, I noticed that they have grown considerably many, but still not obvious because they're hidden underneath. But when the time comes that they become obvious already, then for sure I'll definitely cover them with dye.
I really don't want to have these gray hairs! I feel so young, I'm not ready yet. My solution is to cut my hair really close (not quite bald). But, if I decide to have longer hair, I think I will give the hair coloring a try. I think I'll try to not roll back too many years all at once. I want to try and thin out the grays slowly so my hair isn't so suddenly black again.
Colour it! I started getting my first few grey hairs at 25 - not a lot - but enough for me to want rid of them. I'm 42 now and have been having my hair coloured every three weeks; I have the roots done with a permanent colour and then every third time the hairdresser combs the colour through just to even out any irregularities in colour, as my hair changes colour in the sun and goes lighter. I can't stand to see any grey in my hair. I think it's very unbecoming and rather sloppy to be honest. Us ladies gotta take good care of ourselves. Make up, hair dye and waxing are part of my regular beauty routine.
i prefer graye hair that is not a matter other people what discuss,if you have that from a long time you have to go with your mind satisfection,