I previously used to own a large capacity Oster toaster oven, which I loved - it was a great replacement for my regular oven and it heated up much faster without heating my place up nearly as much. It was also much more energy efficient. Plus I could bake full size roasts and casseroles in it. It didn't however make good toast ironically. Instead it would tend to just dry the bread out before toasting it since the bread was so far away from the heating elements. Recently I purchased a much smaller Oster toaster oven, since I don't have a standard oven where I'm currently at and I wanted something more compact just to broil some stuff and bake a few things on occasion. One thing I hadn't ever thought of trying in a smaller toaster oven was roasting peppers. Surprisingly, I've found out these smaller toaster ovens are perfect for doing just that! The heating elements are close enough on both the top and the bottom to blacken the bell peppers nicely and quickly. I've also found these smaller models are great for broiling items without drying them out. What are your favorite toaster oven recipes?
I don't have many recipes aside from baked clams wherein you put cheese and garlic and butter. Most of the time I just use my toaster to cook food while I do something else, and my favorite things to just throw in there are sausages, chicken nuggets, hash browns, etc. I've actually been using it more and more to cook lately rather than just reheating because I'm favoring it more and more over cooking on a stove top which can get tiring and not to mention I get a lot of dirt on me and I always end up smelling like cooking oil that way.
Well, I just bought another toaster oven today. I don't think I have any specific recipies for toaster ovens, but I might try the English muffin pizzas in there, I have usually used them for fries or when I have to heat up something quickly. I like them because it is much more energy efficient thatn using an entire oven, and often times I am the only one eating.
Our microwave gave out with our plug making noises like short circuiting, so we we unplugged it and now are going without a microwave oven. We had a little toaster oven that was a gift and using it. We love frozen pizza baked up with extra string cheese, pepperoni slices and american cheese atop it. We add our extra so it tastes better. I make up my baked purple sweet potatoes by cleaning the skin and cutting to bite size. I usually warm the toaster oven up for 10 minutes. On the baking pan I spray Pam, oil it with olive oil sprinkles then spread out my bite size purple sweet potatoes with garlic salt sprinkles. I bake these potatoes for about 15 minutes on a 375 degrees checking it if they are tender. Then cool for five minutes and it's ready to eat! It's okay without a microwave oven if you don't mind steaming your foods.
For main dishes I have cooked white fish meat and potatoes in an oven toaster. I seasoned some fish and placed tomato sauce, cheese and herbs on top of it. I baked it for about ten to fifteen minutes and it came out great, with the fish properly cooked and the sauce and cheese melted and mixing with the meat. For the potatoes, I cut them into pieces, seasoned them and mixed small bits of bacon, herbs, and cheese into them. I placed the mixture in a ramekin and baked it. It was great and really good.
I bought a toaster oven well over ten years now and although slightly more costly then than they are now - I've never regretted the initial outlay - especially as - I probably use it way more than my conventional oven - even though its not particularly large by any stretch of the imagination - but as its quicker and uses way less energy than a conventional oven - it has more than paid for itself - as not only has it saved an enormous of time - but more importantly a huge amount of money too. As for recipes - these are not something that you need to worry about - as to be honest there really aren't any special recipes required for toaster ovens - for the simple reason - that anything that can be cooked in a conventional oven - can be cooked in a toaster oven - with the only real difference being - that its quicker and generally in much smaller quantities.
We used to have a toaster oven. I loved how convenient it was to cook something quick vs wasting time just trying to heat up the big oven. For breakfast I could put some sausage links and waffles in there. Then for lunch I could put chicken tenders or wings. I have not tried something like a chicken pot pie. Has anyone tried baking a potato in a toaster oven?
As baked potatoes are a very popular lunchtime meal in my house - yes I regularly bake potatoes in mine - baked apples and corn on the cob too - as not only do I find it way quicker and more economical to bake potatoes in my toaster oven - but as I've found that they cook much more evenly than when done in a conventional oven - I much prefer to do them this way - as I know for sure they are guaranteed to be cooked all the way through. So yes if you haven't tried baking potatoes in yours yet - I can highly recommend giving it a go and to be honest anything else that you regularly use a conventional oven for and especially if only needing to cook small quantities - as toaster ovens are way more cost effective to run than conventional ovens.