Does anyone know of a product that will clear blackheads and shrink pores effectively? I need something specifically for my chest. The blackheads are hard to squeeze and often when I pop them they turn into an irritated pimple. The pores alone are unattractive and obvious. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you!
How about using Biore pore strips or a blackhead metal extractor? If you ask me though, I tried using pore strips and I didn't find them to be very effective, while the extractor never fails to extract those deep-seated blackheads. If you're going to extract blackheads from your chest, then you would have to do it after you take a bath when your skin is still soft for a much easier extraction.
I have tried Biore pore strips and find they are not all that effective. Plus, they are only sold for your face. My main issue is my chest. They're extremely difficult to get rid of there even by popping. I have never heard of the metal extractor. How much does it cost?
Yeah I can relate, I had a blackhead on my back, and I really can't take it out to the point that it got irritated and turned into a scab. Those are the parts that are hard to extract from. Anyway, blackhead extractors are quite cheap, here's how it looks like:Log In You just use the round part to extract the blackhead by pressing it until it pops out. Use it on your nose first for practice.
I don't get blackheads. I just get pimples or spots on my face from time to time?? I am often around people who do get them though, and they say that they do not get black heads unless one picks the pimple?? They also use certain natural organic scrubs for their faces, but if a blackhead just appears I have been told that putting toothpaste on it will get rid of it?? Not sure how good that is for the skin though.
Toothpaste? I don't know how it can get rid of blackheads when they're deep-seated? Any part of your skin that has an open pore is bound to be filled with a whitehead or blackhead, unfortunately. Especially the spots where there was a pimple that grew before, there will always be whiteheads that will fill the pore that it occupied.
I think my problem then I having large pores. Even after I remove a blackhead, an empty, noticeable pore remains. I have no idea how to shrink them, though.
Same here! I have large open pores on my front cheeks, and they look obvious up close. Each pore always "recharges" with new whiteheads after a few days of being extracted. The whiteheads may be soft or hard. I don't think there's a way that we can shrink them though, I already looked for a solution, and so far, no such luck.
No, I can't find anything that corrects this either! Using an astringent lotion on the affected areas seems to shrink them a little, but this is only a temporary effect.
I don't think there a product to shrink pores, at least none that I'm aware of. For blackheads, you could look into the sticky strips that you supposedly can put on top of the blackheads and once you pull it out they come with it. I don't think it works all that well though. You'd probably be better off just getting the rod type tool with a hole on top to squeeze each out individually.
Pores can't be shrunk. The best thing to do is use a body scrub daily and keep the pores clean after you have extracted and then put some astringent or antiseptic on it afterwards. The build up happens if you sweat a lot then oil/sebum levels increase, so she should shower or keep the skin free from it as much as possible. This may also be a hormone issue, which all you can do is keep the skin as grease free as possible. Use a clay mask on the area a few times a week as that will draw out the oil too.