This stepper exercise equipment with resistance bands may look a bit pathetic since its as small as your microwave but if you don't have a lot of space its a good deal. I bought mine for $79 when my hubby and I lived in a miniscule apartment and I did not have time to go to the gym. Whenever my favorite comedy program was up I'd do 30 minutes of cardio and a bit of arm toning. It's not ideal but it's good enough. How about you? How did you find the mini stepper?
I have a air stepper that is working out well. I don't have a lot of space, when I am finish working out I can lift the stepper up and put it in a corner out of the way. I have reached the level of 15 minutes without needing a break. The stepper is a good alternative to not being able to get outside to workout due to the cold weather. I am happy with the air stepper I purchased, it has done the job it was purchased for.
I had a similar product years ago, and it is good at saving space. I wasn't really fond of the rubber bands though, since I don't really like free form resistance like that - my joints started to get sore from using them, as if I wasn't doing the right movements with them or something.