My dad ordered some rabbit from the butcher recently and he is going to create a stew tonight with it. I'm very keen to try new things and was wondering if anyone on this board has tried rabbit before and what it tastes like?
It was an accident but I have had rabbit before. After leaving home and setting out on my own in life, times were a bit tough. We had a friend give us what we thought was a cut into pieces chicken so that is how I prepared it, like chicken. As we were eating it was when we realized it couldn't possibly be chicken. We didn't find out until days later that it was rabbit. Yes, it tasted like chicken but it could have been how it was prepared. I have never had it since.
Since I posted that there is a horrid smell coming from the kitchen, my dad is preparing it in a stew as this is apparently how they cook it back in Malta (he is Maltese), the smell is making me have second thoughts about trying it!
Funny how i tried rabbit by mistake too. I was at a wedding and just started eating, and after a few bites i commented that the chicken tasted a little weird. I guess i wasn't prepared to hear that what i was eating was rabbit, because i stopped having an appetite.
I can understand losing your appetite once you find out your eating rabbit. I am no vegetarian but I can't see myself eating rabbit. Anymore then I could eat horse meat. Seriously, if either of these were fed to me, the best thing to do is not tell me what the meat actually is. I have no issue with eating beef, pork or chicken, but when it comes to eating Rabbit or horse, I don't think I could actually do it, or want to know that I'm doing it. If that makes any sense, I guess these are just animals that I can never wrap my head around eating the meat of.
Actually I mentioned this on Facebook and NINE people all told me that they had tried rabbit without knowing it. Weird that. For the record I did have some in the end and I found it tasted like a combination of chicken and pheasant.
I've had rabbit before...not by accident though, lol. I'll try most things at least once. It's good...I know it's cliche but to me it really did taste a bit like chicken.
I visited my cousin and cooked a rabbit. Then asked us to try it. I had a few bites. It tastes okay. He did a good job cooking it. It doesn't smell bad or something. The only problem is I used to have a rabbit pet when I was young. It's like I'm eating him. It feels really weird.
I never had it I don't think I could bring myself to eat it. But I know others who have ate it and they say it's really good.
Oh, many a time - I actually hunt rabbits for food. I also hunt deer, elk, bear, peasant, duck, quail, turkey, and boar. That said rabbit is a lovely, lean meat that goes great with either spice or sweetened liquored. I prefer to grill it, but can and have taken it in stews.
Never, I couldn't bring myself to do it. We feed rabbits in our backyard all the time, I would have a total guilt trip and never be able to look at them the same again.
I had my first rabbit in Greece. I knew that it was rabbit and I am someone that likes to eat something exotic or unknown for a change. I am a careless eater sometimes and idolize Andrew Zimmern. Anyways, the rabbit taste like chicken but at some parts the texture is like beef. Its good as long as its hot but I hate it when its cold.
That's exactly the problem. How could anyone eat an animal that they keep as a pet? It makes no sense. I imagine that rabbit tastes like chicken. When I was younger I tried frog, alligator, snake and snails. None tasted that good. Since I've grown, I've wisened up and became a vegan. I've never felt better. Just say NO to rabbit!
Actually rabbit is not bad meat. It is great and tastes almost as beef. I have eaten it on several occasions and will continue it for a long time. I think it is a family thing as all my siblings are also fans of rabbit meat.