How highly do vacations rank within your life and schedule? Do you tend to put a little bit away strictly for vacations, or do you just go when you have enough saved in a general savings? My husband and I go to England so much, we have a designated savings for holidays. Just wondering how you guys plan financially for trips?
Travel is an important part of my life and it's one of those things that I go to work for. I have a separate savings fund for traveling and I funnel money in it each time I get the chance. It tends to add up pretty quick since I don't save money for many things at the same time. Since I arrange my travels in advance, transportation and accommodation, and I also save money, I can travel really cheap and often.
Travel is an essential part of the life because every person wants to go to fulfill his purpose and I think without travelling visitor can not survive in vacation..
Not really high. I like vacations, but my work schedule is very hectic, so I don't really have time to go to far places. I still save some money though in case I suddenly want to take a trip by myself or with my friends.
Depends what we are calling a vacation. I go away on about 5-6 weekend breaks per year, totalling around £150 funding them is difficult though and I usually just put £15 per week by until it builds up.
When I was working I had vacation money directly deposited into a credit union account away from where I put my main salary. It worked better for me because in order to get money out of that account I had to go to a different credit union and take the money out. Now that I'm not working I don't travel much and so don't do this.
I read research once that showed you can reduce stress by simply planning a holiday away. Knowing that there was a holiday ahead to look forward to helps get through the day. I always try to plan holidays and really enjoy travelling when I can.