People who spend a substantial amount of time in the kitchen everyday will definitely agree up on the fact that the preparation time of cooking a meal actually takes more time than the actual cooking. And, cutting of vegetables perhaps takes the most out of it. To minimize the time and effort, I’m thinking to buy a veggie cutter. However, they’re in plenty in the market and I’m confused to pick one. Could you guide me anyway?
For us, veggie cutter seems to be immaterial. By experience, cutting those vegetables won't much time for us. We don't cook veggies in great amount. We prepare and cook them good for three or four of us in the family. Unless, we are in a resto business in which we have a lot of customers to eat and we have to prepare much veggies for them. Anyway, veggie cutter is not so important for us.
I like the spiral slicer because I am able to make healthier Spaghetti made of vegetables like zucchini, parsnip, turnip and sweet potato. You can enjoy something that will remind you of pasta minus the calories. B.Weiss Mandoline Slicer is the best commercial Mandoline slicer because it is cheaper but it works really well. It is only 14 bucks.
I have a veggie cutter which I bought from Telebrands. I got this around two years back and still there is no issue. Being a vegetarian I use this extensively everyday. The product is highly durable and make your kitchen work a lot easier. I know there are many local brands available here but the issue with them is the low durability. It keeps on losing sharpness day after day and you will be forced to go for a new one. You need sharp blades for cutting vegetables like onions to get in perfect shape and size. So I would recommend you to go for a branded vegetable cutter and it will save you money in the long term.
I don't have a vegetable cutter. I cook extensively but I cut veggies with the standard knife. I use a vegetable slicer or shredder when I make a salad or other sweet dishes that needs shredding. You can buy the whole kitchen vegetable cutter/slicer etc sets at very minimum prices online. Upto 349 rupees.
@luckycharm That means veggie cutter works. I just wanted someone's review who has already used this appliance. As for the sharpness of the blades, I'll definitely go for a reputed brand. Hope this tool will make my kitchen hassles easier.
I have one of the mandoline veggies slicers, and it works great, especially for making very thin sliced veggies, like cucumbers or even zucchini squash. I also have one of the spiralizers, and it does do a great job of turning a veggie int o what looks like spaghetti pasta. Most of the time, I just slice up the vegetables by hand since there are only two of us, and it does not take much time to do this. However, I have seen some really interesting looking recipes that use the spiralizers vegetables, and served like it was pasta; but with a lot more nutrients and a lot less carbs; so I plan on using the spiralizer more often for meals. Mine are just cheaper models, and they work fine; so I am sure that the more expensive ones would perform even better.