My husband and I have a son in college. We have found that the Wal-Mart pre-paid money card is a great way to make sure he has some extra cash on hand when he needs it, we've had the card for about a year and have not had any problems with it so far until up to a week ago. He stopped in at a gas station to purchase some fuel and found out that he had much less money than he thought he had on the card. When he got home we called customer service and indeed their was an unauthorized internet purchase against the card for $49. Our customer service agent did not speak very clear English and we were having a hard time understanding her. I am usually very good with accents but this one was really heavy. After about 5 mins of struggling to converse with her I asked to be transferred to another agent. She took offense and put us on hold, after 30 mins with no one picking back up on the line, we hung up and recalled. Only to find out our card had been cancelled due to it being compromised. They told us that it would take about 2 weeks for another to be sent out. I know this is going to sound horrible but shouldn't call center agents have to be able to speak the language they are servicing, with at least some level of clarity. Sigh.....
I moved all my grocery shopping to Kroger or Publix. I have never experienced great customer service at Walmart. This is a shame considering this is the biggest supper market in the world. If I need electronics I will go to RadioShack or a store similar to that. Walmart has lost its edge.
No, what you are saying doesn't sound horrible, it sounds very reasonable. There should be some type of standard set because some people have very thick, heavy accents and are hard to understand, which makes solving a problem much, much more of a challenge than it should ever be. Companies should be more considerate, but it is all about the bottom line, the money. It is cheap to outsource customer service. I used to do business with a certain insurance company that advertises heavily on TV (American TV), but every single time I called customer service, someone with a thick accent would get on the phone, which is fine IF people can be understood, and are properly trained. Like you, I'm really good with accents, and I am also a lover of languages. I used to be in love with a man who spoke Hindi. I've purchased Rosetta Stone to learn Japanese; I have taken Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and French in high school and college classes (not fluent in any of them yet though). No one can ever accuse me of being a jerk when it comes to dealing with someone with a heavy accent. But when it comes to taking care of business over the telephone, sometimes customer service comes up lacking when people cannot communicate efficiently.
The problem with people speaking horribly broken English is that nobody can understand what they are saying - English speaking people can't understand what's coming out of their mouths and neither can people who speak their native language either, since it's neither, it's just complete jibberish. I have limited sympathy for call center agents who speak horrible English. I used to feel guilty for getting short tempered with them, but the more I think about it, they are the ones who decided to get into this line of work that they are clearly not qualified for, and furthermore, the management of their company were the ones who made the mistake of hiring them as well when they cannot speak clearly at all. I often think that not only are companies outsourcing their call centers to save on labor costs, but the other real reason they do this is to ensure that their customer service is so miserable that a certain percentage of people will just give up on trying to get them to honor their warranties, and chalk their purchases up as a loss.