For those that shop at Best Buy or Future Shop, do you purchase the warranty with your laptops? I always do, but there are other that do not.
I never purchase the extended warranty. Most products have their own warranties anyway and I don't see the purpose in buying an additional warranty.
With a laptop I absolutely buy extended warranties that cover accidental damage. With a a lapto imagine, you spill lone can of pepsi on it and your entire computer is fried. For most things I don't buy warranties but laptops absolutely every time.
To add to this thread, I love those extended warranties. They have benefited me a lot over the past few years. I have had many things in my laptop changed for free. Things that would have cost me a lot of money to buy and do the actual repairing. Most laptops come with 1 year warranties and than you can purchase the extra year or two. I usually get the two extra years because of my past experiences. I suppose I might be using my laptops a tad roughly!
I have never purchased the extended warranty for a laptop. The manufacturer's warranty is good enough for me. I also feel confident if anything problems happen, I will be able to fix it. I also have a couple of friends who have more computer skills than I do.
I haven't purchased a warranty on any of my merchandise. I know a lot of customers who opt against the warranty. Personally I feel like it's a way for the store to receive more money. If you're a person that has a hard time keeping your electronics in good condition, I would say purchase the warranty. I take exquisite care of everything that I buy, so there's no need to buy a warranty. Some people like the extra safety net when your computer malfunctions. It can serve a purpose, but for me I choose not to buy it.
I don't buy extended warranties because I am confident that whatever might go wrong with it after the warranty have expired, I can fix it myself. I have bought two laptops with one year warranty but I have never used it either because I always see to it that my things are in good condition.
I didn't buy my laptop at Best Buy or Future Shop (do they have a branch here in the Philippines?). I just bought mine in a store in the mall, but it has warranty. One year, if I remember right.
I personally never buy the extended warranties, I just feel like its another ploy for the store to make money off of you. I usually find the manufacturer's warranty to be good enough because if there is anything wrong with the product you should notice it within the year.
I did buy extended warranties for the first two laptop I bought but I never even had to use them. There were problems, yes, but it was during the year when the manufacturing warranty was still good. So, I figured that it was really a waste of money on my part. So, for this laptop I bought I didn't go with a warranty and I haven't had a problem with it yet and it's been almost three years now. Another bonus is that my little brother has become quite handy with computers so he can usually fix it for me.
True, but the manufacturers warranty doesn't cover if you drop it, get it wet, step on it etc. An accidental protection plan does cover all of that stuff. I never usually buy extended warranties, I figure once the two year warranty runs out I am probably ready for a new computer anyway. However, the accidental protection plan. I always get that.
I do not. I believe if the product works for the first 30 days then it's bound to continue working. The best thing to do for anyone with a computer is to just take good care of it and avoid downloading things. I've learned this the hard way. My old computer became a hunk of junk within three years, but my laptop that I purchased four years ago works like a charm because of how I look after it!