Probably one of the biggest Internet Marketing forum on the net is a hub for scammers. They sell each other ebooks or scam newbies into buying low quality internet marketing ebooks at 'bargain prices' available only to 'warriors.' The members of the forum claim they make thousands of bucks from IM when in reality the little they make comes from the useless books they sell to unsuspecting newbies on the forum. The scammers work together commenting on each other's products to convince those who don't know them that the books are useful and most people fall for that ruse. After all who wouldn't be willing to pay $30 to learn how to make $1000 in a day? Should you want to buy an ebook on internet marketing, avoid warrior forum.
This is good to know. It's sad how many scams are out there. Various Google searches have wound me up on that forum. At least now I know not to trust it.
I've gone to that forum before and browsed the site and I almost did buy one $10 book because it was not that expensive and I was curious to check it out, but I ultimately just lost interest and never bothered with it again. It never crossed my mind to look at it that way, though, and now that you mention it, I think it is pretty likely that it is the case. Now I'm really glad I didn't buy the book, but I have to admit that I am still a little bit curious about it. Anyway, thanks for the warning, it's really best to be as skeptical as you can be when it comes to these programs.