I try to collect my coins in a small dish I have by my bedside table. Since the dish isn't too deep I tend to try and use up whatever change I have there so I can have space for new coins the next time I spend, so if I'm going out to buy small items like bread and drinks, I will just use as much of the coins I have in the dish instead alongside the small denomination cash bills I have in my wallet. This way next time I have to go out and bring cash I know I won't have to bring around so much paper and coins since all will be large denomination bills pretty much. How do you handle and make use of your spare change? Do you think any particular tactic can prove to be much more beneficial than another one when it comes to this topic?
Mine goes into a piggybank, and once it fills up, the money goes into a savings account. I’ve been doing that since I was a little kid. I don’t know if this is any more beneficial than any other method, since it doesn’t necessarily amount to much, but I still think it’s nice to be able to deposit an extra few bucks at the end of the month.
My spare change also goes to my coin banks. I have a few of them. Three, if I am not mistaken. You'll be surprised as to how much you can save by keeping spare change! Sadly, our congress is passing a law which criminalizes coin hoarding. This won't prevent me from saving change though! Haha.
I spend the coins as fare to the public vehicles when I go out or I use them to buy soda and food that is quite cheap enough to pay coins in. I think coins should be spent first if you have too many of them so that they won't accumulate.
I spend pennies and nickels during the regular course of shopping during the week. I save quarters for laundry and I have a dime bank. I like to save dimes in a bank because they're small but worth more than pennies and nickels, so if you fill a coin bank with them, it adds up to a lot. I guess I'll eventually put the money in my bank account when I've accumulated a decent amount.
I got two piggy banks. One is for bills and the other is for coins. I rarely have any spare change lying around my house. It's been a habit of mine since my childhood to immediately put any "left-over" bills or coins into a piggy bank. It's quite amazing what accumulates by the end of the month.
I usually use up my change in a self-checkout machine. It's much easier and quicker especially if you do it when it's quiet. I tend to pay in cash with the exact amount as well, so that also reduces my change load, but I also usually calculate how much it is before I checkout and see that I have the right amount too.
Many years ago, when I was a preteen going into young-adulthood, I learned from my mother that whenever I found pennies on the ground, or had left over change - usually pennies, or silver coins up to five pence - that I should put them in our collective penny jar. There were three of us living in the same house. So everyone's pennies went into the same jar, and then we'd cash them once they amounted to a good amount. These days, I have so little money that I can't afford to save pennies in a penny jar lol.
I shop with cash a lot and all of the spare change gets emptied out of my pocket or wallet as soon as I get home into a large pretty vase on my counter. I don't ever try to give exact change. Sometimes I toss dollar bills in the vase too. It's opaque so I can't see the contents. When it gets full, I exchange the change for cash and get to indulge in things that aren't normally in my budget. Last time it was full, it was around $200.
When I visited a bank in person, I would roll up the coins and add to my account. Now that my account's online, that's difficult so I go to the machine and get a store voucher. With that voucher, I use coupons and whatever else to save the most money on my purchases.
I will save my change in an old jar I have until it reach the top. Either I will put it into my account or use it to put toward something I want to buy.