Ebay is known for online auctions not offline. So if its trademark is online I do not think it would be good offline in a store. It would then not be different. It would be like any other store. Plus how would people simply wanting to sell their stuff around home ( not power sellers with online stores) going to sell their items in retail stores?
There's actually an unofficial local ebay store near where I live. It's basically a garage sale that runs permanently. It's in a really sketch part of town, and they always have junk laying about everywhere, junk that I don't think anyone would even want to buy like a rusty bike with a missing wheel or faded children's toys. Not entirely sure if the store is legal to run with advertising itself as an ebay store even. I've never seen anyone go into it (or even get out of their cars anywhere near it).
That doesn't sound legal to me at all. They shouldn't be able to put anything related to Ebay up without legal permission....which they'd never get, even if they asked for it. I do have a store locally that is set up to *sell on* Ebay. They use the signs to indicate that they'll sell your items on Ebay for you, for a cut of the money. I'm not sure if that's legal either, but they're not claiming to be part of Ebay.