Is there a specific credit card or credit card company you would never reccommend? And if so what is your reason for avoiding them?
I would never recommend Capital One to anyone. I had major issues with them and they do not help anybody's credit because of the way they report back to credit bureaus. They changed my address on me without knowing and refused to talk to me on the phone about payments and why I hadn't received any statements in a month. They would not talk to me because I couldn't verify my zip code, they changed it on me to a town I never heard of. The judge couldn't get an answer from them as to why they did it when it went to court. They still demanded I just paid all sorts of late fees and interest even tho I did everything in my power to contact them and try to make payments before it defaulted. It was a mess!
I will most definitely have to second dconklin on that one! I absolutely could not stand Capital One. When I finally managed to get rid of them they keep sending me desperate mail to return. The strangest part is the interest rate offers are not at all improving. I don't know what is their problem?! They made my credit worse as well, not informing me when they considered a payment late. I wasn't aware the billing cycle had changed because they didn't properly inform me. The letter came after the deadline. I'm also not much for Bank of America, I've been enjoying Citi Card thus far, they have some pretty good reward program incentives. I figure with as much as everything cost these days and a lot of people unable to afford so much, I should at least get some decent perks from having a credit card. I would go with finding one that gives you excellent rewards to thank you for your service. I see it this way, there are ways and some people can do without a credit card, so I feel having a reward for using it and paying properly is fair. Do check into that part if you're considering getting a new credit card. Just whatever you do, avoid Capital One.
I have never used Capital One, but I too have heard that it is AWFUL. One of my friends got a card with them and eventually quit it. They promised the interest rate would get better yet it never did. To this day, she just gets letters asking her to return and they promise the interest rates will get better this time. She closed it out about 3 years ago and they send a letter about every month. I would never go for that kind of card, plus many places don't accept it.
Chase! Anything to do with Chase, avoid. I actually have a family member who used to work for them and she ended up quitting for ethical reasons more than anything. They're just not a good company. And I throw in my vote for Capital One, too, for all the reasons already mentioned.
I agree with Jessi. Chase is awful in every way. However, the card you really want to avoid is the card that charges you a high annual fee, a high APR and a low credit line. You want at least one of those three things to be in your favor if you can get approved for it. Otherwise you are not helping yourself.
I would recommend any credit card really. They are wonderful to have. The interest is often high but it is just simpler to pay with them. Plastic is simpler to use than paper, in my opinion. Anyway, there is not one that I would recommend or not recommend. So, yeah...more than that I do not have.
Avoid Credit One. Not Capital One, Credit One. They are based in Las Vegas and they charge an $80 annual fee on a $300 credit card. They charge the $80 fee immediately, so your $300 card is only good for $220 of credit. They call a lot with offers. They're a cheesy, low class outfit that offers cards to people with bad credit.
I wouldn't actually recommend a credit card at all. I would recommend that someone get either a debit or pre-paid card then get into debt. But if I had to actually choose a card to avoid I would say the Discover card. Now I never really had issue when I was an actual customer of theirs but when I had to go into bankruptcy this was when I encountered a problem. They got me on the phone and were telling me that I had to pay my balance to them. They even went as far as to tell me that my bankruptcy attorney's had dropped me and they didn't care about the bankruptcy they wanted their money. It was a lie, my attorney's hadn't dropped me. When I went for my hearing I was concerned they would show up but fortunately they didn't show up.