Dan Brown is a very successful writer of detective suspense thrillers. He had written a lot of books like Digital Fortress, Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci Code. In your opinion, which is the best book that he has written? I'd go for Da Vinci Code since it is the most controversial of all the books that he has written.
I'd go for Da Vinci Code too since it was the first book of Dan Brown that I have read. I just dont like the movie version, there are a lot of scenes that was not included in the movie version. I also like Angels and Demons but I never read the book, I just watched the movie. It has the same plot as The Da Vinci Code but Angels and Demons was written first by Dan Brown.
Yep, the Da Vinci Code was also the first Dan Brown book that I have read. Next was Angels and Demons. I also liked A and D but it became monotonous as the story progressed. The plot of the Da Vinci Code is much better.
Oh, Dan Brown was on The Colbert Report yesterday, wasn't he? I've personally only read The Da Vinci Code, but both that movie and Angels and Demons were pretty good. I'm not a huge fan of his work, but he definitely has talent!
I read Da Vinci Code and quite enjoyed it. That was the only one of his that I have read thus far but he has a new one that is just out titled Inferno, and has some connection to Dante. I am looking forward to giving this one a shot. Ryder13
I also fell for the hype of the Da Vinci Code and loved it. I then proceeded with Angels and Demons. I'd say I like both books but in 2009, he also wrote "The Lost Symbol" with the same protagonist. Lost Symbol was quite forgettable.
Angels and Demons for me. The book is way better than the movie! But then again, there's no surprise there. Try reading the book and I think you'll appreciate the story more. All I thought while watching the film was "Obi-wan? What are you doing?"
For me, it would have to be the davinci code. His was the first book that got me completely obsessed with Dans Brown work which is why I can't choose another tittle even if I enjoyed it a little more. Dan brown is the most brilliant historical thriller writer and I hope he will write many more novels in the future.
Da Vin Ci Code & Angels and Demons both are good. But the book which I loved the most is Lost Symbol. It was amazing