The tap water in my area is good enough that they bottle it and sell it at sports games. So I just drink it straight from the tap. My ex is terrified of tap water and subscribes to one of those monthly water delivery services that brings huge jugs for his water cooler. I would never do that unless something horrible happened to the tap water.
I've lived in 3 cities now and I have never liked the taste of tap water. One smelled of sewage to me. Another smelled of straight up chlorine and now where I am smells almost like urine! lol. It's awful and no, it's not just my home. So I filter. I filter for more reasons than that, but taste is most important to me.
Our tap water is not fit for driniking cause it smells chlorine. At first, we were into buying bottled waters until we bought a refrigerator that has a water dispenser attached to it. There is a filter directly connected to the faucet and you need to change the filter every 6 months and the filter does not costs much. Whenever the filter needs to be changed, an indicator will appear on the refrigerator. This is much better than buying bottled water.
I think that I live in a hard water area, which sucks because it is not good for my skin. It dries it out, and I have had dry skin problems before, so it really exacerbates that. I have heard, time and time again, that bottled water is not actually cleaner. It just tastes like it is, and people buy it thinking that they are getting something better. Something healthier, when that is not the case.
I have got a low threshhold as to the kind of drinkable water I can have. There is medical evidence that suggests that repeated exposure to pathogens confers immunity to diseases. Our water comes from a community based project where its chlorinated. Otherwise, one can use WaterGuard tablets to check these germs.
@remnant.....luckily, people like you and me can do something about it to ensure that the water we drink is safe. However, I feel sorry for the people out in the sticks, uneducated people and those who live below the poverty threshold in my country and others, because there's absolutely no hope for them. They just have to make do with whatever they get. They may not even know the water is unsafe to drink because it runs clean!
I have a deep well. The water is fantastic. It is good because we don't have to pay a water bill, and the supply is virtually endless. However, fluroidation is not provided, and that is one difference between that and city water. I have had cavities since living here that I never had before.
The water that is available in my location is deemed to be of good quality so far, therefore, I go through the trouble to acquire bottled or filtered water. I know that there are instances where the highly touted bottled water has been found to be contaminated with high bacterial content, therefore, I will continue drinking the tap water until It might be revealed that it's quality has deteriorated.
The water here is awful ! We can smell the chlorine in the water. First we got a pitcher type of filter, like a Brita, and we filtered the water through that. Then, I found a tall water purifier which has a ceramic filter, and also adds minerals back into the water as it filters it through several filters. We put the water through the Brita filter, and then pour it into the water purifier, and the ceramic filter in there turns orange from contaminants that are in the water, even after it has gone through the brita filter. My husband can clean out the ceramic filter, so he keep that cleaned when it gets orange, and we drink that water which has been completely filtered.
We used to have purified water delivered to us. There are many water stations inside our village so delivery is not a problem. However, when the cost is getting somewhat exorbitant, we started thinking about it. Late last year, we bought a water purifier and now we can have unlimited drinking water that is guaranteed clean because we are the one purifying from tap water. By the way, we were offered a distiller but it is very expensive. Besides, distilled water is pure water and has no minerals which our body needs.
I don't really care where the water come from. A good example why would be if you watched the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks. There is no filtered water when you are stuck on an island by yourself. I just don't really care, it doesn't taste any different to me so I always stick with the tap, and if I need to clean it then I'll just boil it, but other than that the city does a good job with keeping the water clean enough, It's water.
One of the more worrisome tings that I have read about public water is that there are medications in the water. Things that are found there range all the way from vitamins to addictive medications like Prozac. Apparently , when people take a hard vitamin capsule, a lot of the time, it simply passes through the body undisclosed, and then back into the water system again. Same thing with some medications. Even though most municipalities put their water through a water-processing plant, the residue of all of these medicines is still in the drinking water in most places. I hate to even think what else might be in that water ! ! I wish that I lived somewhere that I could have my own well water, and know that there was not anything in it but natural water.
Purified water taste normal for me because we drink that everyday at home. In the office we drink mostly mineralized water and or alkalanized water but for me, I prefer mineral water more since it has more health benefits and it taste a bit like coco juice.
Sometimes I drink from the tap have not had any issue with my local tap water supply. Even at that I still like to boil the tap water before I finally drink this is just like a double check measure I take. That said, I am more used to drinking bottled water.
In our area there is plenty of drinking water and each and every house got water-well. We never pay for water and I think water is well reserved in our area as it is inhabited by a farmers’ community. They dig ponds and own wide pady fields that retain water in the nearby areas. It is OK to drink water as it is from the well but I always boil it and let it cool down before drinking. I never refrigerate it because I like normal drinking water (not too hot or cold). Even though we have a municipality tap nobody ever uses that as water is available in abundant quantity. But I think it is changing nowadays due to rise of new buildings and other structures that actually prevents rain water from penetrating into earth.
We drink tap water in Nigeria and to God be the glory, we have not had any issue of water related diseases. In the office, I go with sachet water, or in some cases, bottled water for it looks official than taking tap water at the office. One thing that I've noticed though is that we've gotten familiar with the tap water that it causes us no issues when we take it.
We use bottled water, we do not use a filter for water. I prefer to buy water because the water from the market is supervised and tested before to be put on sale. Using a filter is tricky....testing water is a bit expensive and I cannot test my water from time to time to see if the filter is doing a good job or not and we would risk our health.
Most people in our area buy purified water that has undergone several filtration cycles. Purified water is several times cleaner than tap water but also much cheaper than distilled water sold commercially. We buy them in a 5-gallon container for about 5 cents per container and they are delivered to our homes for free if we order at least 2 containers. Tap water has become unreliable as a source of drinking water so most people don't mind paying extra for purified water in bulk. It's a lot cheaper than buying bottled drinking water.
Water purifiers are now advanced and cheaper. Where before it costs more than $200, now it is half that amount. And the maintenance is affordable since the filter that is replaced every 4 months is not expensive. The quality of water is pretty good. Besides, the water delivered to our doorsteps before was also purified so it is better if we do the purifying ourselves at no extra cost.
I have stopped drinking tap water, water from hand pumps or any other source from ground for a long time due to heavy contamination by different sources including industry. I use my own filtered water with micro filters, RO system (Reverse Osmosis) and UV treatment to water. The water quality is so bad in our area that I have to constantly change filters of water purifier system to keep water quality drinkable.