I love to cook chicken, it is probably my favorite thing to cook because there are so many things you can do with it and so many things to put with it! If I had to pick my favorite, I would have to say chicken breast stuffed with fresh pesto and jalapenos, it is a lovely dish that can be served with any pasta, salad or chips! It so so easy to make too, it takes around ten minutes prep time and only half an hour to cook! What is your favorite chicken dish?
Sometimes I can get some of our local butchers to prepare me some 6-8oz chicken breasts, boneless but with the skin still on them. I love these, because the chicken breasts sold at our grocery stores are ridiculously huge and don't cook evenly at all, however these smaller ones fry up very nicely. I saute them over a medium low heat to slowly render out the fat from the skin, and then flip them a couple times so they can brown/crisp up in their own fat. I also absolutely love chicken thighs, and buy large packs of them quite often. One of my favorite dishes to prepare with them is to finely dice them up, and saute them with peppers, onions and mushrooms, then throw in some tomato sauce, and make a hearty pasta dish. I also love to pressure cook them in salsa or a spicy tomato sauce, and shred them for taco meat. Or cook them simply in stock or water and shred them for pulled BBQ chicken.
Chicken is my favorite meat, and I really like it just about anyway it is prepared. My favorite cooking method is still plain old pan-fried chicken though. I dislike most deep-fried foods, especially chiicken; but pan-fried is much better tasting. My mother always made fried chicken and potato salad when we went to the lake camping when I was a child, and I have loved it ever since. It was one of the first things that she taught me how to cook, and since it was also easy to make, we had it a lot.
My favorite used to be fried chicken with gravy but nowadays I've eaten so much of it that I actually have grown tired. I also like chicken and waffles although I can't eat that as regularly as other dishes. Chicken curry is also very good although we don't make it here that often and not many restaurants serve it.
Chicken thigh for me, either roasted with honey or black pepper, or deep fried. I'm not a fan of breast meat as it's too lean, dry and tasteless for my liking. There's a good amount of fat and skin on the thigh, which I relish despite it being more unhealthy.
My favorite part is the breast, but I'll eat and enjoy any part. I like rotisserie chickens best of all - the kind you can buy at the grocery store. The meat pulls away from the bone really easily, the meat is juicy and succulent and they are a great option for a quick meal.
My favorite is a simple roast chicken, seasoned only with salt and pepper. It's not overly exciting but cooked well it's delicious. And I'm a big fan of the leg.
My favorite dish would easily have to be Chicken Parmesan. I'm not picky with it. I'll eat it in a TV dinner or at a restaurant. I think Olive Garden is probably the best for me to eat it from. I'll eat fried chicken too but it would depend on where it came from. I would refuse for example if it came from KFC.
My favourite chicken is any juicy shredded chicken with an au jous I can add to a nice fresh chunk of french bread. Oh, lordy that is delicious only in words.
I do love chicken!! We enjoy some form of chicken several times a week at my house. The other night I did some chicken thighs that were so good. Here is what I did: I marinated the thighs for a couple of hours in olive oil, garlic powder, onion powder, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Then I covered them in ground up rice krispies with parsley, poultry seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder and paprika. After I put them on an oiled baking tray, I drizzled them with some butter that had lemon juice in it. I baked them at 350 for about 1/2 an hour. They were so yummy. I also like to put a whole chicken on an upright roaster,,, it has a tray to catch the juices and then 2 pieces that attach and hold the chicken upright,,and I put it either in the oven or on my barbque grill (gives the best taste). When it is done even the white meat from the breast is juicy. Leftovers make the best sandwiches or chicken salad.
I like chicken just about any way it can be prepared, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be plain old southern fried chicken any day of the year. Give me some creamed potatoes with it and some slaw or green beans and it's a "winner, winner chicken dinner".
I have a few favorite kinds of chicken so it's hard for me to pick just one. I really enjoy the southern fried chicken especially from this restaurant called Bojangles but I only eat it once in a while for a treat. Another favorite of mine is baked chicken and I would also eat it if it was stuffed with cheese. There are lots of ways you can cook chicken.
My favorite kind of chicken is fried. I believe it is best to always try and eat the fried chicken because they taste the best.
I love whole wings! The little fragments are okay if I want to nibble but there's nothing like marinated wings that are broiled. Teriyaki, jerk, or garlic herb are simply awesome; especially if they sit in liquid overnight. Fried wings are nice when there's more flavor than flour batter/coating.
Chicken is by far the most diverse meat. When I eat it, my favorite part is probably the drumstick due to it being so moist and there's somewhat a good amount of meat, even if I need a couple. Looking at flavours, I like my chicken the middle-eastern way with tons of spices in a deep marinade. Tandoori Chicken has been one of my top dishes since I was a young kid. Another one might be Butter Chicken, but I've lately ate too much to continue. Finally, the most westernized is fried chicken. Sure, it's greasy, but I love it and the flavour.
I love grilled chicken wings and thighs after marinated for a few hours in honey and lemon juice. I like to have bones to chew on. Weird huh? Chicken breasts tend to dry out too fast!
My fave kind of chicken is the living breathing, snuggly happy kind Had to be said. I used to love chicken smothered in anything creamy, or marinated in this that or the other thing or breaded.. but that just goes to show, I didn't like chicken, I loved the flavourings and other ingredients that I could just as well put on plants
I LOVE fried chicken, but cut down on it because I was pregnant. Then I tried oven fried chicken and I go back on the rare occasion. I started with a paprika/flour mix but experimented with cornflour and it is awesomely delicious. A close second, is what I think translates to stewed chicken. It's my king's favorite chicken. Juicy chicken that just slips of the bone. Yum!
That sounds delicious! I'd love to try it out. I personally like good old fashioned fried chicken. When I make it for friends or family I get rave reviews. Actually it's been a while since I made some, thanks for the reminder. Fried chicken for dinner tomorrow!
My favorite piece of the chicken is the breast. I like to have it grilled over charcoal with sauce with a salad and some fruit. I also like to take the breast of the chicken cut it up and make chicken salad out of it.