What Is Your Feeling On New Technologies Such As Facial Recognition And Fingerprint Scanning On Pc?

Discussion in Computers, Electronics & Gadgets started by Nikole • Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I'm not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand I have the most difficult time with passwords especially since I have so many places to log in at. I could even have the right password but somehow it can still say it's wrong. I guess my finger typed it wrong *rolls eyes*. On the other hand at the current stage it is probably pretty unreliable and face recognition seems way too intrusive for my liking. I don't even like how MSN Messenger is now Skype.
    As far as the government invading your privacy, how would fingerprint scanning be any worse? I mean the government is powerful so if they want to find out things about you they will no matter what technology is used.
  2. Obvcynicae

    ObvcynicaeNew Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I actually like having a fingerprint option on my laptop, as it can save time for me. My fingerprinting device also seems to be one that's rather versatile, and if it doesn't read correctly the first time, I can quickly run my finger down it again to log in to my account. Granted, part of this might be due to my tendency to create relatively long passwords for some things (as in, ones over 40-50 characters in length).
    In regards to privacy and security from the government, though, I don't think it means much either way. The fingerprints are to be stored on your disk, and heck, say they get uploaded without your consent or the government somehow hijacks your laptop. I'm pretty sure if the government was so intent on tracking your activity, they could find out exactly (or nearly exactly) what you've been downloading & looking at, unless you've been constantly running under numerous proxies, VPNs (and ones that don't keep logs of any behaviour, too), and similar privacy tools, and have paid for all that with bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. Even then, they'd probably be able to find some information on you if they were to try hard enough, so a fingerprinting device as it is currently used in PCs isn't actually that worrisome, in the grand scheme of things.
  3. kjonesm1

    kjonesm1Active Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I think face recognition and the finger print scanners are novelty. Especially the face recognition because it doesn't work in low light and it uses the general shape of your face rather than fine details. I don't even lock my phone anymore because I think it's a hassle to unlock it.
  4. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I also love technology, but am concerned about the loss of privacy. When I bought my laptop, I disabled the webcam. I rarely use webcams anymore, so had no need of it functioning and possibly being hijacked. One thing I would like is to have a keycode on the entrance door (just one) to the house, because I'm paranoid about getting locked out. I've been meaning to get a key made for my friend/neighbor, but I keep forgetting. I know I could probably break in if I had to, but I prefer not to think about that too much. I have a difficult time using keypads for my debit card, they don't seem to want to recognize that I'm alive, same with automatic soap dispensers and faucets in public restrooms, so I think I'm better off with old fashioned passwords on my tech devices, since it usually only takes me a few tries to gain access.