so here i just open the website and see everyone is talking about different things so i just got curious and just wanted to ask you all about the craziest thing you remember you did after getting drunk!!!!
Too many to list, lol. Some of the worst I won't even mention here, since I don't want to incriminate myself, and quite frankly I'm a little too ashamed of them. One time when I was travelling in Ann Arbor for work, I went to this BBQ joint for lunch by myself. I sat up at the bar and started off ordering some drinks. A little while later this older guy comes in and sits next to me and places a takeout order to bring home for him and his wife. He was going to sit there and have a drink while waiting on it. We ended up chatting and long story short, I not only had lunch there, we drank for so many hours, I ended up ordering dinner there too. Me and this old guy got hammered, as his takeout order sat there on the counter getting cold. We just ended up BS-ing about everything under the sun. I can only imagine his wife was probably furious with him when he got home, lol. I was so hammered the bartender had to call the taxi for me, lol. I got completely sh@t-faced before a flight home from Vegas too, and apparently I was driving everyone nuts on the plane because I was passed out snoring loudly, and kept leaning out of my seat into the aisle-way slobbering. It was a 4 hour flight back, and I was still drunk when I got off the plane, lol.
I do not remember. I have only been drunk once in my entire lie, and that was on my 21st birthday. I have no recollection of what took place that night. That night was my first time drinking, and i obviously over did it. the only thing i remember is waking up on my friends living room floor. That day i decided i would never drink again, and i never did.
It generally happens with everyone it happened with me as well but not at such a degree it did woke up in my friends bedroom tough with a friend of mine and nothing happened like that!!!!
Hands-Down the craziest thing I did after drinking too much was go skinny dipping in a lake in -10 cold. We had to literally punch a hole in the ice! I was sober in seconds. never again!
I guess it's not too crazy, since when I get drunk I am usually at home. I guess the most embarrassing thing was posting a ton of 1980's videos all over facebook! Not just one or two, but like every song I could think of. I was very happy that I could go back and delete everything, but still embarrass my family saw it.
Since no one knows me here, I'll share the craziest thing I did after getting drunk. It wasn't intentional anyway. Once in a drinking session over a friend's house, I passed out midway when I was defecating. I woke up when I heard someone banging the door. They asked me the following day what took me so long to do whatever business I'm doing inside the toilet. I told them that I suffered a heavy bout of diarrhea. They all believed me so voila, I saved myself from that misery.